Monday, January 11, 2021

Bison deliveries

I had a wakeup at 3:23 am and could not fall back asleep. I listened to podcasts for a couple hours then drifted on an off letting H out at 7 and saw another amazing sunrise. S fed her when he got up and made coffee after 9. Last coffee in bed for the week. Time to shower and get on with the day. Both of us had a rumbly tummy today but the girls were all good so not sure what might be causing it.

S rolled a partial bale out that the horses spent the day lazing in. H was off after 1 to drop off a few things in town, stop at the skid steer dealer then deliver bison in Airdrie and meet another buyer there before heading to the airport. I was off to town soon after to do a couple bank deposits, meet a delivery guy at the Husky for our dog food delivery then get to my eye glasses appointment at 2:30. It was fairly quick with my last stop being Paetz's to drop off some sausage. I swung thru Tim's for a tea and muffin but ended up chatting for an hour before heading home after 3:30. I heated the tea and enjoyed the muffin. Harley was roaming free alone in the house for the 2nd time and all was well. Good dog!

I cleaned a trinket box ready to paint tomorrow as my tummy still is a bit off.

I was writing a Hometalk post for the ikea stool when B and Coop arrived after 7:30. She did not stay long and kindly put the cats away before leaving, Thanks. I also had the cash register ring for an Etsy sale which made me very happy. First one of the new year and I hope for many more. It was for the round wood bowl so I got it ready to find a box tomorrow and get shipped off. After finishing up my computer work I headed to bed to finish The Boys and then started a new series Little Fires Everywhere.

 Here is my dream for a future vacation

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