Thursday, December 3, 2020

Town run and a couple sales

So dark waking up after 7, while H ate this am I washed a paint brush then we came in to rest a bit as it was not even 7:30 yet. However that never works so I got up made a cappuccino and got to marketing. The kitties were excited to get out as today is going to be even warmer then the days so far this week. The table was wiped of excess oil and looks great. The jewelry box was painted a second coat of purple.

I loaded up H and we headed to town at 10:30. I need milk and have a few other stops planned. Restock the Michelob was first then Harley and I checked out the bath tub at Pet Valu. She walked right up and into the tub and loved being in the store. Just like a kid in a candy shop. The worker also gave her a few duck jerky treats which made it even better. This may be where she gets her bath!

Now to load her back up; still not a fan of the ramp and luckily I had a we piece of the duck jerky treat to reward once in as I had a coat with no treats in the pocket. Our next stop was to pick up Cooper.

I ran into Walmart for milk and cat food and a couple other groceries then stopped at at store to smell candles made by a local artisan I found this am. This store also has a space where local artisans can put pieces in with 25% commission so checked that option out too. Amanda text she had picked up a couple more library books B & I ordered so I headed there to grab them swinging thru Tim's to get a tea and chicken bun for lunch. Of course Harley got her Timbit and Cooper's :) A short visit at the Paetz door then we were off for home arriving after 12:30 to glorious PLUS 11 degrees.

this pebble picture is so sweet with pebble birds and sea glass laundry

The pups were off for a rip while I hauled things in and got busy painting the jewelry box stenciled details then scrubbed up stencils. They enjoyed the slushy snow play then were in for a nap while I waxed the jewelry box. 

I took pictures and posted it on Etsy then took the dogs for a big walk before it got dark. They did well on their recall of course because I had liver treats. It was a good walk with of course J starting and ending with us. I put him and the kittens away as it was now just after 5 and pitch black out. Everyone got some raw deer meat treats before I came in.

Mr Jenkins always has to come along or complain from a distance if snow is too deep. He honestly thinks he is part of the pack.

I was working on marketing when I got an Etsy sale; the jewelry box I posted an hour ago!! Yeah. And the gal was from Chestermere and had not read free pickup so I arranged that and refunded her shipping, she will get Saturday. Harley is shedding like crazy so I whipped around with the vacuum. I hope the bath will help and maybe some brushing.

As I carried on with computer work when I had Amanda tag me in a FB post looking for a growth ruler so sent photos of my 2 I have for sale to her and another lady looking and both seem interested, fingers crossed but one let me know she went with a lady ahead of me. And then I had a previous custom message about the window chalkboard. She will pick it up tomorrow from Moore's. Britt was out to pick up Cooper quick at 8 just in time for me to bag it up perfectly in a orange garbage bag for her to leave for curbside pickup. What a great day!

There was even fireworks to the east to celebrate today :) I carried on with marketing and computer work adding more items to my Etsy store and working on tutorials. I shut it down before 10 grabbing a bowl of yogurt and heading to bed to finish my book but got sidetracked with some cookie jam games before finishing it.

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