Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Beauty plus temp day

Shaina was up making her cappuccino at 5:45, I checked if H needed to go out but she was good till after 7. I buffed the wax on the stool and brought it back in to dry while H ate. Inside she laid at the foot of my bed while I rested for a bit longer then go on with the day. Shaina hit her bed after her early morning meeting. Cappuccinos and computer work had me updating more affiliate links in blog posts.

When letting the kitties out I checked the freezer as per the boss's orders and found it was cool but his meat was not frozen. I checked yesterday and it seems colder but today is warmer and tomorrow even so. I found he did not have the temperature control to coldest so adjusted it to that and took out a tub full of Harley meat and moved to fridge freezer as a bit of room now burger gone. H and the kitties all got some fresh meat too. 

I put another coat of clear on the tub tray and moved stuff around to get onto new projects. The antique table was milk painted in a custom charcoal brown color I created for auntie Mindy (it is her birthday today too). Of course I forgot to repair the on side bottom so glued and clamped it and left to dry and painted the rest later in the day.

It was so lovely and sunny PLUS 7 out at so I cleaned up a coffee table and hauled it out to sand. The top had been painted and it was on like glue so decided to wait until I get my heat gun that is on its way. Seeing it was so nice I took Harley for a loop around our fence line to burn off some steam. She has taken to chewing the logs she debarks so must need more exercise.

Shaina was up now and working on her noon Instagram post and eating left over Chinese food. She also was packing up to head to Banff and Calgary for a few days. She is very blessed to have a mobile job that can be done via her technology gadgets. I cleaned up the latest jewelry box I purchased and needed to decide on a color. This had me sorting thru all my paint and getting a box full to sell to a fellow painter.

I threw in a couple loads of garage laundry and got them done today then finished painting the table then came in and painted the jewelry box aubergine after vacuuming it all out. 

Leftover Chinese food for supper then I went out to garage to feed Harley supper before 6 and ended up sanding and hemp oiling the table till B and C arrived before 7:30. She ate the rest of the fried rice and after a quick poop & play time (Cooper that is) they headed back home to cook supper for B and to watch Masked Singer finale.

I love how the milk paint and hemp oil allow for wood grain to show.

H and I went out to put kitties away but they were not keen to stay in tonight when it is so nice out but I managed to wrangle them in. I checked the freezer and nothing really frozen so alerted the boss. Inside I caught up the blog with a beverage and cheezies. Boss text Matt had room in his freezer so I loaded Harley and the meat and hauled it over after 9. The gate was messed up for Britt so I had to get it working but dropped meat, back thru working gate and in the house before 9:30. Once I finished up computer things it was off to bed to read more of my book, almost done.

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