Saturday, December 5, 2020

Town run #3

I was awake before H at 7, checked on her which of course rousted her. We did a reverse order this am heading to garage to eat then sending her out back and then in thru garage. I worked on a secret project while she did this. Inside I played a few games while waiting for cappuccino machine to warm up. Computer work found an email with a fellow wanting the grey ruler confirming he would pick up this am so a time was picked and directions given.

center one was picked up

Seeing the jewelry box would be picked up as well I went and let cats out, cleaned up dog poop off the driveway then took quad to gate to open it all by 9:30. Perfect now to have cap #2 and get morning marketing done. A quick vacuum before ruler pick up at 10:30 rousted Shaina to come make her cap. The ruler was off and the jewelry box was next after 11 seeing they got lost.

Harley needed a walk so I off we went. I shut the gate as we looped around the west loop today. Once back I gave her a good massage brush and furminator brush in prep for her bath. It was another gorgeous day hitting PLUS 11!

of course Roo had to scale the snowy slope to come see what I was doing with the gate

and the lone ranger .. this is why she is svelt and they are fat

Crazy I forgot bread both times I was in town so oysters and crackers were our lunch. I did more work on the secret project and snapped a few pics of the tub tray being picked up later today. Britt and Cooper arrived for Coopers poop and play. I had booked Harley in for her bath in town at 1 but moved it to 3 so they could play BEFORE the bath. B hiked out to the horses with the dogs while both Shaina and I did our marketing (and blog catch up)

I scrubbed up, waxed the top and oiled the legs of an industrial stool I picked up awhile ago. Pictures were snapped and now to list it. I then hauled out a few more things to post after updating and prepped a board for a growth ruler order.

We all loaded up; B took Cooper home and will meet me at the pet store. I dropped Shaina at the gym then stopped a a little décor store to use up a gift card I won a few years back. I chose another yummy smelling candle from another local maker. I was just getting Harley out as B pulled into the parking lot for our 3 pm appt. We had her done in about 15 minutes but gave her an extra dry followed by treats from the store gal. Time to load her back up then B was off, THANKS!

dang I hate when a pic is blurry and you only took 1

ET phone home ;)

funny drying video

I made a stop at Walmart yet again to grab a few groceries including bread then checked for boards at rona. Just like toilet paper and yeast it seems wood is in demand and prices have doubled for a board!! Nah they are too much work to do and lose money. H and I whipped thru Tims to get a tea and timbits and a gingerbread muffin. Once back home after 4 I enjoyed my tea and muffin with a game of cookie jam when Shaina and Emily arrived.

Shaina had H do all her tricks for Emily who got to meet the freshly clean girl. After they headed off to visit in her room I took H out to brush her getting loads more hair. She had an early supper then we came in. Why did I not think to wash her bedding before we left for the bath?? So once home I threw them in the laundry to have all clean at once. I threw in pizzas for supper, girls were up then headed back down to play pool and ping pong. I worked on marketing and the laundry. They did head out to see the kittens and tucked everyone in for the night, thanks girls.

Shaina made us all popcorn at 9 then they were off again and I to bed to get back into Virgin River after a hiatus finishing season 1. Emily packed up her tub tray; a gift and headed home at 10

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