Sunday, December 6, 2020

River walk

The usual start to the day which will be yet another amazing day in December. I let the cats out in my house coat and picked poop off the driveway.. in December!! Shaina was up before 11 and made herself a bacon egg muffin as I was cleaning and photographing a wine rack. Other projects were worked on and computer work.

Have you seen Harley do her bang trick? Here is a video

Britt and Cooper came out just before noon, she was antsy to go to the river on our walk but Shaina was working on a post so to pass time she was requested to pick up dog poop on the grass. She joined me for a tuna sandwich for lunch. Shaina's mid morning muffin had her still full. I did a quick vacuum before we left as dog hair and poop in the yard are pet peeves.

someone takes up allot of room in the backseat

B unloaded the cats food and loaded the dogs, I hustled Shaina along and we headed to the river at 1. We enjoyed a really nice hour walk in the PLUS 13 degree sunshine. The dogs enjoyed the off leash portion best with H loving the playground best. We were back at the ranch around 2:30. I give kitties wet food and filled their dish, they are growing like weeds.

watch the 2 goofies in the slide video

After feeding Bird, B and C headed home at 3. I worked on adding the wine rack on Etsy and Shaina continued on her marketing designs. I put some of the last of my garden spaghetti squashes in to roast and started a meat sauce. Shaina headed to the gym before 5 and get some groceries after. I couldn't wait so ate my share at 6 while watching Virgin River on my iPad.

Shaina was back after 7 with her groceries. I asked her to put kitties away but she couldn't find Stella and Luna so H and I went out and called them in. Back inside she ate and put away groceries then off to have a soak in the tub. I was on iPad shutting off as dozy after 9. I must have dozed off but awoke around 10 when Shaina was getting yet another snack. I got up let H out for water then outside, had some ice cream then listened to podcasts till after midnight still watching the clock at 2 am, ugh!

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