Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Projects moving along

Just like clockwork H was shaking her head at 7:01. After my short marketing stint I headed out to work on the projects. I went with primer on the nightstand and the dresser painting over the warm white just to save paint and cover the dark wood streaks.

First I had to sand the terrible paint job off the base

The backing was sanded to smooth it out for the wallpaper

Once all were painted I left them to dry and came in to answer some emails and find prices on glass knobs. The dresser customer arrived after 11:30 to check the pink color in person. She ended up picking an entirely different stencil then planned so was good to see it. She picked her knob choice as well and visited until 1 pm.

Harley and I then went to let the kitties out at into the sunshine and I gave H a new frozen leg bone. This kept her busy outside for the next almost 3 hours. I grabbed the last pepperoni stick and a beer for lunch then headed back out to paint the pieces all a coat of warm white.

I looked out the window to see Stella coming down out of her tree climb

Back inside I multi tasked doing computer work and tracking a parcel. While I sat on hold waiting to see where my latest paint package was I wrote a Hometalk tutorial for the antique crate. I sorted photos and worked on the blog, finally after 1 1/2 HOURS on hold I got thru. It seems they decided not to deliver but after another 15 minutes on hold they are rescheduling it. Sheesh.

On a big positive note while working away I had a message asking for my Etsy link to see more photos of the blue jewelry box I just shared on Instagram. After she checked it out she said she would take it!! Sold in less then a day. Thank you universe. 

Now I need more jewelry boxes. Luckily  I had a gal message me if I was interested in some jewelry boxes as she saw I did them, she had 8 and I made a deal for $50. She even delivered them to Kaylin on Monday.. yeah, thanks K and lady for the restock.

Now to swap out something on my Etsy ad. I went with the blue vanity for some local exposure. The sun was back out at 4 making for another nice end to the day and it hit plus 2 today.

It was now 5 so I turned on the news and cooked me some supper. Chicken rice and corn as food was needed. As I was out feeding Harley after eating I got a call from Britt at 5:45 saying she was on call and a colic surgery may be happening so could I go get Coop. Like a good mom I left my food on the counter, loaded up H and headed to town. Luckily I called the eye place and they were open late and I could do a curbside pickup of my new glasses. Then we were off to get Cooper, swing thru Tim's for a chai tea and yes a gingerbread muffin then off to the ranch. I arrived back an hour later.. we may be only 6 miles but a trip to town and back takes an hour even without stops.

new specs

The two pups went for a rip with the new bones while I put the cats to bed then came in to enjoy my tea, muffin and try my new glasses while trying to catch up the blog. I watched some Virgin River while doing so. At 9 I tucked them into their own kennels for the night as Cooper will be having a sleepover and headed to bed to watch from iPad there.

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