Sunday, November 8, 2020

Winter storm continues

Well that was quite a night. I let Harley spend her first night sleeping on her cushion but at 4:45 the wild winds that howled all night blew yet another decoration over on the deck causing her to alarm. It was the old red door so I hauled it in. She crawled into her her kennel and I back in bed but could not sleep thinking about the pink jolly ball being left out. I decided that I might as well go look for it as I wont sleep so I bundled up, grabbed a flashlight and headed out into the storm. My perimeter check came up empty but if this ball had a clear path I am betting it is in Texas at the speed of these winds.

Inside I crawled back into bed but could not sleep so tried podcasts. Eventually I fell asleep but at 7 am thought I heard Harley tip toeing down the hall. I checked and no she was snuggled back in the kennel but as I got back in bed she thought I must have meant it was morning. I sent her out AKA pushed her out the door where she reluctantly peed and was back so into the kennel with her Kong. I fell asleep till 8:30! Again pushing her out the door she looped the house finally and found a place on the south side with least amount of wind to poop then into the garage to eat.

What an ugly day, the poor horses were covered in snow. Good thing Bird had her blanket being low man on the totem pole. Caps and marketing then I jumped into the shower. Britt and Cooper arrived around 10:30. The dogs took a quick loop with their coats around the arena with B to water the cats then back to warm up. I bundled up and caught Pepper and Switch while B opened gate and we brought them into the arena after setting up a bale in the blue tub. Bird got her food and Switch had her ripped up boot removed, foot soaked (we have decided to leave un wrapped in this snow) and both let out with the others to eat.

Back inside we had a bite to eat then I got back to marketing the kids table. B loaded up Cooper and I filled her a bucket of water which she drove to the barn and seen if anyone wanted a drink then was off to the condo around 12:30. 

Time to get to work on the bed frame with the first coat of primer. That took an hour followed by a second coat of navy on the end table. 

Wind in the ear.

It was now after 3:30 and the snow had let up so I put Harley new winter coat on and she and I went to the barn. I put on Bird's blanket and let the horses out and cleaned up a full tub of crap. I gave the kittens/J some soft food then it was back to the house. Laundry, bathroom cleaning and dishes were next in order on this ugly stormy w/e. I started a new Netflix series while doing so called The Alienist. The wind dropped from a howl to a bluster to quiet which was most welcome. By the time I shut out the lights I had finished 6 1/2 episodes.

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