Saturday, November 7, 2020

Winter storm arrives

Winter is back; It was fogged in and snowy when I awoke after 7. It was right around zero with some snow coming down then all starting to melt. Harley spent the morning with me in the garage as I painted the kids set a blue color over the green.

Inside I wrote a tutorial for the custom painted milk paint table. Shaina was up as I finished up before 11 and she made me a fancy egg muffin for brunch. I sanded the kids set while it was cooking then in to enjoy. THANKS Shaina.

I headed back out to wax the kids set, Shaina popped out to say goodbye as off to the city again for the night. Once the clear with green paint waxing was all done I started the dark wax on the edges.  The top was clear coated earlier and now waxed as well. Whew this set has taken allot of time. I will not get it back out of it but at least it is getting done finally. The weather continued to be crap snowing/sleeting off and on and blowing cold wind making for rippled glass like windows.

dark wax on left, clear on right 

bit too green on the top right?

Britt and Cooper popped out in the storm at 1:30 as I was finishing up on the kids set. I felt the top was too green now with the blue. I hoped some green would have show thru on chairs but I paint to well it seems. Britt agreed so I dry brushed the blue over it and it looked lots better.

Then I bundled up too, filled the bucket with hot water while B made the duct tape boot and got supplies ready then we headed out into the stormy weather. At the barn we got the ranger out and the dogs were more then happy to jump in with us rather then running today. The cats were left inside with food and water refilled. At the bales I removed the boot and had Switch stand in the hot water while Britt fed Bird outside the gate and put on her winter blanket. It seems the horses are getting the hang of the slow feeder but have put in a few holes out of frustration it seems. Harley was funny as she chose to get back in the ranger for part of our time there. B and I put on the new boot bandage, loaded the dogs and back to the barn to put away and to the warm house.

B and Coop relaxed on the couch with a podcast while H and I went back to the garage. The end table was painted a coat of navy and while it dried I hauled the kids table in and snapped some pictures.

The garage was rearranged so I could set up the custom bed frame to work on. It was scrubbed clean and a few drill holes filled. It seems the one rail was bent and buggered, while trying to secure it all the headboard ended up falling on my head, dang it! I had B help be maneuver it around ready to paint perhaps tomorrow.

She wanted help installing closet organizers and to go for supper so she took Harley to her place and I gathered up the tools needed. However when I went out to the started truck I found the window with an inch of ice on it. I tried to chip with hands no luck, I had to get the scraper out of the back and it chip easy enough but the ghastly wind blew it directly in my face like broken glass. And I was not smart enough to wear gloves! Had B not taken Harley I would have shut off the truck and went back inside.

Driving to town was ugly with icy roads and blowing snow but it will only get worse. I was going to stop at Peavy to get the cats a heat lamp or mat but went to pick up B first. It turned out after I asked her what she was wanting in the closets we ended up trouble shooting them to rearrange what she had and only need one board and some brackets that we will get another day as will need to cut the board.

We jumped in the truck to go to Peavy only to find it had closed 10 minutes before as now after 6. We picked up Opa for supper and went back to her place. THANKS for buying supper B! XOXO After eating it was time to hang her new clock but be damned if it turned out there was something metal in the wall that would not allow a screw or wall anchor to go it. Finally I gave up, loaded up Harley and headed home after 7:30. The weather was now so much worse. The wind HOWLED and snow blew and dropped to -7. H and I went into the house and hunkered down; she on her bed and me at the computer getting yesterdays blog finished and posted and working on todays with a hot cup of tea. At 11 I headed to bed to finish Life on This Planet as the wind continued to howl. Harley is getting her first night non kenneled to sleep on her cushion.

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