Sunday, October 11, 2020

Thanksgiving at Britt's

No idea why but I had a clock watching restless night even after trying sleep music, sleep stories etc. I even got up for a piece of bread at midnight. Of course I think I did fall asleep after 6 only to wake at 7:10. I got up and took H out who was in no big hurry today. Outside we did our usual loop and kitty care then back for a breakfast search. The wind has left and even at 5 degrees it was an ok start to the early day.

This is our weather, below is Sheldon's up north, please keep it up there

Inside I got my caps going and a bit of marketing while H had her Kong them were headed to the garage to get the second coat on the cabinet. An hour later it was complete and on to scrubbing up a nightstand and the chairs to go with the kids table.

Raisin toast brunch then a quick walk before I waxed the tea cart top then staging it.

B and C arrived at 1 so we joined them to play while B fed Bird then visited the wee kitties as Matt returned the skid steer. The day was so beautiful out with no wind and even at 15 with sunshine it seemed like a summer day. The 5 of us (this includes Jenkins) headed out for an east fence line loop then back to the yard. I scooped poop as B and C headed off at 1:30.

Harley has figured out the water dispenser sharing with Roo

Time to get some computer work caught up sorting photos with a cold beer while H napped. Then to the garage to fill and sand the nightstand to prep for painting and distress the cabinet. Shaina pulled in at 4. I helped her unload then we were off after 4:30 to head to Britt's to redo the counter top and have a roast supper for Thanksgiving. Britt hosted Thanksgiving last year at her place and can you believe it has been 1 year that she has been a home owner?

The girls were in charge of dog care while I got the first coat on then it was roast time. Thanks Britt for having us over XOXO. For dessert 2 wanted a snojoe and I a blizzard so loaded up the dogs and kids and off we went. The dogs LOVED the DQ pup cups and I have to say it was Harley's least messy treat.

what is this yummy smelling treat?

video of H eating the pup cup like a pro

Back at the house it was coat #2 which was getting very frustrating as it was tacking up fast but eventually I got it done. Home time for the ranch crew putting away the cat and kittens and a poop loop then inside to bed for tuckered out Miss H at 8:30. Shaina was off to sort her room and I to watch videos.

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