Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween

Almost full moon setting in the west at 7:22 am

Must be windy out, what Harley's ears would look like cropped ;)

I think I had a not bad sleep waking at 7 hearing H give a whimper but I have a dreaded headache. I let her out only for her to find a deer in the yard and fun jaunt to evacuate from the yard. Breakfast eye drops and an omega 3 pill were next on H list before we came in. Matt had asked Sheldon for help lifting bales today so brought a pumpkin spice tea and muffin before 9. He came in to visit while we all ate one (Sheldon had two!) then they set off taking the tractor and demo skid steer over.

H and I headed to the garage to work on projects. The tin tiles were clear coated. The dresser drawers had a couple test painted and a poll put out. I was not a fan of the white stained top so dark stained it with a couple dark colors blended.

top, middle or bottom?

It seems splotchy so need to fix that with another coat later

Sheldon was back by noon for lunch. We had more leftovers with B and C arriving as we were eating. She went out to feed Bird and check Switch out. S hit big brown for a rest. A lady was to arrive at 1 to check out the aussie saddle but she message she was running late again. B wanted to poultice Switch who is still 3 legged lame and give her Bute so I caught her after hauling a bucket of hot water out. We were just wrapping the foot up when the lady arrived just before 2.

S took a rip up and back the laneway with the harrows and as the lady and I were bringing the sold saddle to her vehicle she chatted him up having talked to him on phone to get gate code. She asked if quad was for sale no but this skid steer is. Next thing you know he has the lady in the skid steer giving driving lessons while I am chatting with the husband. She was very keen on it as tractor was on her new acreage list too. Maybe we have another sale??

B left Cooper for the night seeing she is off to a Halloween party. I came in before 3 and made homemade guac to have with a cold beer. The wind let up and the day was now a beauty but I was inside, why was there wind while we stood out with horses? S joined in on the snack and beer too.

I headed back to the garage to work on the dresser and seeing so nice out at plus 9 at my suggestion he hauled out the Christmas lights and decorations. I went with the top drawer which was the first coat too. I think the solid dark grey works best with the new stained top so all drawers but 1 were painted a second coat.

another coat of gel stain, this one just black, much better.

While I was looking over the finished tin tiles I thought one looked a bit yellowish with the clear coat so tried adding white which lead to sanding which led to a complete do over ;(

I was planning on making tacos for supper only to remember we have no cheese. S chose chili and the next choice so I prepped for that. Goslings stopped for some treats and a bathroom break after 6:30 (S had to run to the gate as it was malfunctioning again) then I got supper going.

I headed back out to work on the dresser; the last drawer was painted the second coat and touch ups to the edge of the stained top. More white and a clear coat on the last tile I redid.

and we cannot forget Carol and her tigers

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