Friday, October 30, 2020

Another skid steer arrives

Wide awake at 7 but managed to lay there till 8 when I went and let H out in plus 9 and fed her. I painted the tin tiles more white as per customer request. S was making coffee when we came in. A shower was in order after initial marketing.

Another skid steer was delivered before 11:30, this one bigger and more to the prince's liking. I was out painting another coat of paint on the tiles when the phone rang to remind me of the good food boxes. YIKES! I totally forgot. I organized Shaina to watch Harley while she was in her zoom meeting with new boss and backed the car out. A quick call to S had him jumping in as had things to do in town too. The salesman was just securing the other skid steer and heading back soon after. I left Harley with her first baby sitter: Shaina.

We were off to town in short order picking up the boxes as what looked like one of the last 2 cars of the day. Next stop was to drop Britt's box in her fridge and let Cooper out for a pee break. Renew the truck registration was next then a delivery of a box to the Paetz's. After a short visit and Sheldon installing the oven part that finally arrived we carried on to fill car with fuel and grab a jug of milk. Shaina met us at the approach where I put Sharon's box in her jeep to take down to her training session. It is PLUS 14 out but windy. After training Shaina is heading to the city for appointments and stay with Kaylin for a Halloween gathering tomorrow night.

At the house I unloaded all the produce then grabbed left overs for lunch. S did as well after filling car tires with some air then hit big brown for some down time. I headed back to garage to add a bit more white to the tiles then get started on painting the dresser base after staining the top a second coat of white. S pulled the harrows around the paddocks with the quad to break up the poop to help decompose over winter. We met back inside before 4 for a cold drink.

S played some ball with H and scooped the grass poops before taking the latest skid steer to the pit to bury a dead coyote that has been laying near our approach for days.

Supper was again leftovers but the fridge is full so need to make room. After supper I wrote a tutorial for the old crate while S continued his internet searches. Britt and Cooper were out at the usual 7:15. Harley went out for a quick play, B picked out a new round table from my stash (an antique one) then loaded up Coop and they were off by 7:30. I wrote a Hometalk post for the white farmhouse dining table. I took H for a bathroom break then to bed for us both. I watched another Letterman but it was not as intriging.

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