Thursday, September 17, 2020

First day of pro training for Harley

Our routine is getting set ; blurry eyed I pulled on socks, my furry housecoat and a jacket then shoes while Harley waited and off we went. Today we ventured a bit out into the pasture then along the laneway. The horses were wanting out so followed as we went which had Harley both scared and moving towards at different times. I will just keep exposing her to them slowly. Back at the garage for search and find breakfast then into make cap and do computer work. Sheldon's coffee went off at 8:30 he poured us a cup and he was back to bed to relax. 

A jumped in the shower quick as we have her first lesson with an opening today at noon. The day is super lovely with no wind, less smoke and warm 22 degrees mid day. We were all outside with S mowing around the round pen and tossing some of the loose hay to the horses while I watered the garden, let H rip play in the round pen then stay with me while I picked some more loose hay out of the sand arena and walk her all around by horses and kittens.

first ride in the town car

Back inside I tidied up the kitchen and prepped stuff to go to lessons. S started to weed whip around the poles. Keeners that we are going for the first time we left at 11:12 and arrived uber early at 11:36 and it turned out she had a puppy ahead of us. We sat quietly in the car with her taking in the sights and sounds of the barking dogs and was a great girl. We were in for ours after 12 and had our meet and greet with Tam. Harley did great showing the commands she had, I learned how to walk her correctly with a choker chain and she was taught the lay down command. We met their dogs out back leaving her inside this time and had her loaded up in the car and on the road at 1:30.

Shaina was jut finishing up training Sharon and was heading to the house. She would throw pizza in while we made a loop thru town to buy a collar as ours is a bit to small. First stop was Tim's for an ice cap while I darted into Pet Valu but theirs were too small and fine. The ice caps were the pumpkin spice flavor and packed with calories but worth the try.

Next we zipped over to Pet Planet as they had some but not sure what size I ran out and took her in the store. It was like taking a kid into a candy store with all the bones and treats all at her level. They did not have her size go figure and to order would take 2 weeks and $16.99. How about Walmart since we are here? They do not have tap so S gave me his card in case I found one but again it was a no go. We decided maybe UFA but one the way passed S favorite store : Can Tire so zipped in there. Right to the pet wall and be darned if they did not have a 26" heavy chain. Checking the price at the till it was $5.99!!!

I jumped back in the car excited with my score. S asked for his card as we headed for home and crap, not to be found so we looped back to Can Tire where I retraced and nothing then to Walmart.. nothing on the loop but somebody found and returned to customer service, whew! Now it was legit time to head home for pizza arriving at 3 pm. Harley got her eye meds late and a quick walk. S ate pizza in big brown and proceeded to nap. Shaina was on a webinar call but once she finished up she was excited to meet Harley who was resting in her kennel. 

She and I went outside where I caught Roo and removed her wrap and sent B pictures then off to meet the kittens. Shaina loved them of course. I went and got Harley and we did the very first kitty intro and went very well. 

We also looped by the horses too then back inside at 4 as S woke and headed out to finish the the east paddock rails. I helped him out for a bit seeing him struggle from my computer work. I had put the chicken in to roast then dug fresh potatoes and carrots to add after an hour cooking. While I was out getting them I mixed up Switch's herbs and fed her. Shaina is working on her new website but took a break to help me give Harley her first bath. Thanks Dude, 2 people were for sure needed. She was not a fan of the hose but a bucket was ok. H chilled in her garage kennel to dry.

It seems Britt was here while we were doing this having gotten off work early for chiro. She joined us for roast chicken supper. It was delicious if I might say so myself. Britt went out to rewrap Roo's leg and feed Bird. I ran her clean wrap items and Cooper's leash then went and got Harley to meet at the round pen for a romp. Again it was quite a playdate that had to be disengaged when Coop started to tucker out. Har and I walked for another half hour and were just finishing up when the girls headed to town at 7:30. We ended with 2 good "lay downs" YEAH!!  Britt asked Shaina to help her grocery shop for better choices then Shaina was going to the gym. Eye meds in, another cup of food and inside to the kennel to finally rest after a very busy day. S was watching hockey but made me a paralyzer to enjoy while writing today's very long post :) I watched The Social Dilemma while doing so; yes it really is one.

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