Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Colds still hanging on ;(

 I woke briefly at 4:30 but back to sleep then again at 6:30. I coughed at 7 then heard a bark. Not sure if she was startled or saying heh I hear you awake lets go. I got myself awake, brushed my teeth and pulled on  the usual housecoat jacket and out went. The garage and breakfast snuffle while I popped in and turned the cap machine on. Once inside she was in kennel, I ran the quad to the pasture gate and let horses out then back to computer work with my cappuccino. Sheldon was up for his coffee after 8:30 then spent the am perusing the net looking for work bench plans. He did help me haul in the coffee table to stage later today.

Harley and I went out again to the garage to start on the black desk getting navy paint brushed on. She worked on her bison bone.

Lunch was leftovers and by now the sun was starting to peek out and the smoke dissipate a bit. It was a beauty 20 degrees. We all went out; the puppy pool was cleaned out and put away and we folded the tarps the bales were on. Harley ripped around the round pen but was more interested in the yard and horses. We walked along the fence near the horses today and sat and calmly watched for a bit but her highlight is horse poop and was easily distracted when we walked across the pasture searching for fresh stuff.

I thought we had our first training today but was mistaken it is next Wednesday. So I was trying to find introduction to horses and cat info from former and future trainers and online so called the former. She was a good help for sure and has faith all will come together. Kaylin and Devon hoped to come Sunday for a play date but she suggests we get the recall perfected and parallel walks before all out play so to have a good relationship between dogs.

industrial strength dog toys my butt!!

S pulled out the lawn mower and looped around the yard tidying it up for fall then in for a rest in big brown. I was back to today's blog post. My personal shopper has found me 2 dressers and side tables so have arranged to pick them up after 6. I staged up the coffee table.

More walking after feeding her supper just before 6 while S kindly got the mower back out to take down the hay field in the round pen and the east paddock. 

I quickly cleaned out the horse trailer then loaded up Harley and we were off to town around 6:30. The first dresser was a bust. The "solid wood top" was bubbling laminate. He had wood ones for sale but they were average and not worth the $$ seeing I have lots to work on. The next dresser was from a friend and wood from Woolco. We loaded it up and back to the ranch and unloaded it to the garage.

S put away the lawnmower while I mixed up Switch's herbs. Luna came with me to feed her while S had Stella and introduced to horses. He put them both away and I the tub & halter then we came in to eat. Britt and C were out late today just before 8. She is worried as Roo's leg is still swollen so she hosed and wrapped. Inside we tried a quiet meeting with Cooper and Harley but it was too exciting so went out to the round pen in the dark. It was an exuberant play that we had to call off and return to the car where Coop loaded up and they headed home. Harley and I continued to the garage for her eye meds then inside to rest. I finished Umbrella Academy season while S showered and off to dreamland. I took Harley out for her last walk and back to kennel for the night. This cough and snotty nose can go away, almost 2 weeks and we both are still plagued. 

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