Thursday, August 6, 2020

Last physio day for Lola

My day to be awake early, before 7 but I managed to toss and turn for an hour then played Scrabble till S made his coffee. It started out cooler but heated up in short order. We went and worked on the house sign first thing screwing and glueing and leaving to dry.

S started some tree watering while I watered my garden and defolliated plants while doing so. I sorted more horse tack and added to sale posts. Prince was back inside soon after but did make us tuna sandwiches while I was painting the latest S&P set two coats. After lunch the set was clear and dark waxed.

He was very content to cruise the net in big brown but miraculously he found something he needed to check outside when I suggested the towels needed folding around 2:20 ! I put the first sealer coat on the house sign and left to dry. I was hauling the folding table to the barn when S headed to town after 3 with the truck to get a few things before meeting me at the vets. It was actually thundering but no signs of rain and sun soon was back out.

I loaded up Lola and we were off to her 4 pm last physio. She seems to have pulled her groin the therapist says and has recommended meloxocam for 14 days. Along with her physio exercises she had red laser treatment too. In the meantime S had dropped the truck off and took the car to drop off at Fountain Tire to leave for new tires tomorrow. I loaded Lola in the back seat and we were off to get him.

On route home we stopped and hooked up the small trailer that was at the bale ladies then back to the ranch. S had picked up a new trailer roof vent hood and out of the 4 options he guessed the right one! He installed it while I prepped fish for the barbie and rice /veggies. Once inside to barbcue it was hockey yet again for the prince and after eating he was off to the TV room.

Britt was out before 7:30 to enjoy supper as well. I was scrubbing up another pepper grinder as I posted the green set and within 15 minutes they were sold. Then B and I were off to ride. We stayed mostly in the small barn paddock but did venture to the yard. I took a solo trip down the lane then met her back at the barn. She caught and fed Bird and I let Roo in with the herd. It was most entertaining to see Bird being the one being the grump. KD and Switch were muzzled and I walked back out to give them cabbage. Out chiro guy says that works for tummy issues so may give it a try on KD to save on expensive gastroguard. 

B had to quad out and chase Cooper home then they were off at 9. She took the freshly painted and sold S&P for the gal to pick up at her house, thanks B! Lola needs more down time so after they left she and I went for a short walk to do her business and stretch then back up. She has been quarantined to the deck the last 2 nights and will for next 2 weeks till this groin injury heals. S watched hockey and I Grey's.

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