Wednesday, August 5, 2020

House sign underway

S was up at 6:30 with issues with the A/C again then perused the internet with a couple cups of coffee. He brought me one after 8. I had an inquiry to purchase the latest S&P!! I played a few Scrabble games then headed out to remove the muzzles and Bird's sheet and give Lola her pill. We ran her to the groomers for her 10 am spot. Swinging thru town we grabbed an ice cap and breakfast wrap and some more creamer. On the way to the ranch we grabbed the mail and stopped to remove the straps off the bale trailer for the lady and get the cash envelope :)

Time to get busy with the house sign Spider ordered. S kindly cut the wood pieces that I sanded then stained. It was another 30 plus day out so S was back in big brown to relax. I packaged up the tack for Red Deer and the S&P to Sherwood Park. I also scrubbed up another S&P set to replace on my Etsy shop. .

here is the mock up 

boards were stained

Lola was ready after 1 so once I finished up the staining we set off to get her again swinging thru town dropping the parcels off before heading home. She was so fluffy and clean it was the perfect time to come in for a photo and some A/C. S hit big brown for a rest then more hockey and I did another board for the sign seeing one has some marks showing then back to marketing and accounting.

Once the stain was dry I again set it together to get the OK and the response was "AWESOME!"

trying to get a good pictures was a challenge
In my storage trailer purge I let go of my dresser hutch. A lady arrived at 5 to pick it up. She and I loaded it, had a visit and then she was off. While eyes still on hockey S managed to cook the potatoes and mushrooms I prepped and the steak for supper, yummy. He was then off to the TV room for even more hockey.

B and Coop arrived after 7 to feed Bird, groom and walk Roo and do some tack /feed shuffling. I was outside on such a beauty night watering garden and pots. They were off at 8 and I took Lola to step over some logs I set out, bend around the lilacs and go for a short walk. Her poor leg seems sore this last week so trying to help build it back up. She then came in for a rest while I worked on tack posts then she was back to the deck. I continued tack post, updating the spread sheet and marketing. I also wrote a Hometalk post for the wood shelf and caught up the blog posts. I was playing Scrabble when S surfaced from his hockey world and soon off to sleep. I remembered after midnight I forgot to put the grazing muzzles on. If I went out then I would be wide awake so gave them a night of food freedom.

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