Thursday, July 16, 2020

Visit your daughter at work day

Sunny with a hot day ahead. Usual marketing for me and S working on an in depth email in regards to the rental property water damage issue. He then went to unhook dump trailer and hook up horse trailer as this afternoon we are off with all 4 horses to Moore's. I hand watered my pots and garden as well as deadheading before we came in for lunch.

cut my first 2 peonies -- a white and a Shirley temple

this instead of the fur?

all volunteers self seeded this raised bed

S raked the swaths along the east side of the winter paddock as they still have not dried while I wrote a tutorial for the barn wood shelf. The fedex guy delivered my Instagram paint win too! S had now moved on to baling a few of the random swaths too. 

I caught the 4 horses and got them loaded up and on the road before 2:30. Prince made good timing arriving at cross iron just after 3 so we stopped at Lowe's to pick up my paint parcel. (another brand ambassador)

At Moore's all 4 horses came into the surgery barn to wait their turn to see Dr Jordan for chiro. Bird had acupuncture as well. Pepper had lameness testing to do so 3 were put in the stalls allowing S and I to head to Costco after 5. We hustled thru grabbing mostly dry stuff seeing we forgot the cooler.. rookie move. I have not been to Costco since before we left for Belize, who new they had self checkout LOL?

We got back to Moore's after 6 where Britt was walking Bird. She and I loaded them up and we headed for home as did she, to town though. Back at the ranch, S helped me unload and put in the paddock then he unloaded the Costco into the ranger while I watched Lola check the hay field. Then I put all the stuff away while the prince putzed in the shop.

Britt and Cooper were out not long after us. She fed Bird and they were off. Another late supper I made of spaghetti and the new spicy chili salad from Costco with snap peas on the side. Prince was off to sleep after his internet peruse and I started a new Netflix series Skin Decision. Lola made it till just about midnight as the thunder and lightening started. 

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