Saturday, July 4, 2020

Hay comes down

The first coffee in bed decided today is hay cutting day. The cup was chugged and prince was geared up and heading out by 8:30. I served his next coffee after the first few rows were cut then a 3rd a bit later. I did yardening; watering my garden and pots and transplanting the loads of calendula I have blooming. It may be too hot but what the heck. I have lots if they don't make it.

Lola is under the tree, can you spot her?

I came in just before noon and made the pizza for lunch. S had only broke one section so far so changed it out and came in for pizza and beer then was off again. I cleaned up lunch, wrote a tutorial for the welded cross then headed to the garage to tidy and prep the geometric table I hauled over. It is chip board but it would be an easy paint project. I do hate putting so much time though into non wood pieces so will see.

B and Coop arrived out around 2 ready to ride. She and I took Switch and Bird for a loop around the hay swaths then a hose. She fed Bird then caught Pepper and KD wanting me to join but I see dark clouds and some cooler weather coming so declined and went and filled the mineral tub and took screws and screw driver and affixed them so the horses could not dump them in the future.

Not long after she left B was back putting horses away and loading up Cooper and off to town at 3:30. She took a sander to prep her deck before staining it but indeed it was pouring in town. No rain ever did happen but lots of wind and it sure cooled down. I took Lola for her mid day walk then she dug a cool hole under the deck while I looked at a few plants. I thought well she must need some under deck cool dirt time so went in to write some on the blog. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a white streak by the paddock just as S called. Seems Lola had ventured to the east paddock and was after what I think are mice hustled out from the hay fields. She was scenting like crazy and very hard to get attention but back to the deck with you missy. 

I chopped down my spinach plants that are bolting and gathered the leaves for supper. Such a tricky plant to grow for any length of time. S finished up cutting the hay and back in the yard at 5. Good job, now to keep the rain away, get this all dry and baled then it is welcome back.

I cooked us up bacon as the feature of the BLT sandwich along with the last of the chicken soup. It was super yummy. S had a rest in big brown as I wrote a Hometalk post for the wood tote. After 7 he hooked on and hauled the rake in then picked me up in the ranger for a canal trip to see the old house across the way. The poor old girl has pretty much collapsed this year ;(

We crusised the canal checking to see if we could ride it, look at the height of this grass and so dense.

Back at the ranch we took a gopher tour and checked the pit progress. It is looking much tidier!

S then took a gopher loop around neighbors in the truck while I walked Lola and picked dreaded foxtail in the fresh cut hay.

This photo was just submitted by the prince from Thursdays work.. see the smoking compost pile?

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