Sunday, July 5, 2020

Gorgeous sunny day

Beauty day at the ranch with no wind and gorgeous sunshine. The usual start to the day then chores underway. On her morning walk Lola caught a mouse in one of the swaths. I could see her big fluffy tail wagging from the house.

I helped prince move K's heavy dresser to get the balers out to prep then got busy painting the end table.

S prepped the rake changing out tines and making sure it was ready to go along with the balers. I was finishing the distressing on the end table after the second coat when Kaylin and Devon arrived after 2. She has a new portable massage table we set up and I was lucky enough to be the first client for leg sugaring. Britt was next to give it a go. Devon played with Theo then joined S and I for a cold drink at the rake. Then the gals came out to join us. 

After Kaylin and Devon loaded the dogs and headed back to the city, I took Lola for a late afternoon walk.  Britt Sheldon and I went for a ride then enjoyed a frosty slush drink on the deck.

Sheldon learning to bareback

moments before KD took a bite on Bird's neck

B and Coop were off for home as we cooked up a steak supper with fresh dill potatoes, sautéed fresh spinach from the garden, yummy. Eggs were delivered as we were loading chairs and Lola and off to MacKinnon flats. What a lovely oasis so nearby. The mosquitoes were the downside and after a walk along the river and a brief sit on the rocky shore we loaded up and headed home.

always going for the super skip

As we walked along the trail I was snapping pictures, see the erosion on the second pic? I probably should be watching where walking vs gawking thru the camera lens ;)

Lola loved her adventure

Crazy weather was building to the north with a tornado warning. It luckily missed us on both sides keeping the hay rain free.

I caught the lightening!!

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