Saturday, May 16, 2020

Lola's vet appointment

Lola's vet appointment is at 9, not sure if that was why but I woke at 5:45 then 6:30 then for the day after 7. I perused Instagram for a bit then got up. Britt was going to come along so S got to sleep in. I served him up a coffee before I loaded up Lola and was off to town before 8:30. I looped around to pick up Britt and we were in our parking spot 5 minutes early. The new system has you text details and your parking spot then the vet comes out and retrieves the animal. Lola was in for an hour with a call from Dr Becky part way thru. Yes x-rays show some arthritis in that back leg and front and a torn cruciate ligament (ACL in humans). Surgery will run upwards of $4000 and take up to 3 months recovery. She was brought back out with a bag of pain meds and soap for her itchy skin.

S has a hanging spot for his mask LOL

Our next stop was the Tim's drive thru to score a long awaited coffee for B and a muffin. Back at her place I had a look at her back yard to help her plan quickly then Lola and I headed home by 11. S was relaxing in big brown "planning" his day.

B and Cooper were out not long after. We set up a tie up system for Lola to keep her moving less. B was then off to medicate horses and I trim trees while S cut B's old deck wood into pieces. It was a sunny but very windy day again but hit 22. Our neighbor stopped to give us a wooden saddle stand and had a quick visit. After she was on her way I came in to make a yummy salad for B & S who were relaxing.

B then scooped poop in Bird's paddock and scrubbed buckets. Well done!! S after his after lunch big brown nap finished his wood sawing pile.

The dining table lady arrived at 3, I helped her load and she was off in no time. S ran to town to get some wire and B went for a ride on Bird then fed the Bs. I worked on sales and marketing and when she was done we bathed Lola with her new shampoo. Thanks B!!

I had taken out burgers for supper but rather then hot items with it I made a macaroni salad and the avocado/tomato salad. Yum. After supper B and I went out so she could bath Bandit. He was not to sure about being clean and once released did his best to get dirty again ;) B and Cooper headed for home after 7. Back inside I served up pumpkin pie I made yesterday and forgot to serve.

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