Thursday, March 19, 2020

1st day of spring

The big fluffy snow was coming down when I woke at 8. S coffee pot came on at 8:30 and I had a cup of it in bed letting prince sleep then moved on to cappuccinos as I got marketing.

first day of spring they say

S finished his pot and brewed another after he woke and got busy drinking. He went and tossed a bale for the ponies. Back inside he took apart the steam machine that quit working and trouble shot a burned out part. I waxed and cleaned a vintage jewelry box to list on Etsy.

The snow let up around noon as I used up the last of the spinach salad items. The sun was now out making the first day of spring that much nicer but it is around -6. Prince had a nap after lunch as I worked on some streaking on the end table top. Talking to the company they suggested 400 grit sand paper. I only had 320 but gave it a go. It looks a bit better but need something else.

B and Cooper were out at 2. She and I caught and trimmed Pepper and Bandit after pills were given and wounds sprayed. We finished up at 3:30 and she and Coop were off. S popped out about 3 and plowed out the two closest paddock gates. I moved Switch into the “black” pen to make ease of bale tossing easier. The spring weather is now looking better.

my apprentice hard at work

Supper tonight was our favorite barbecued steak with veggies, sooooo good. we have workout with Shaina at 7 and even though I suggested we eat at 5:30 S decided it was naptime at 5 ;), Thursday is the new Tuesday. I worked on photos while he slept and finally we got it all cooked up and eating at 6:30. It was a tight finish but we made it to class just a few minutes late.

Shaina made us hurt and heat up in tonight's work out.

I made a after workout smoothie to enjoy while we watched Contagion. Oh my there are so many similarities to the current pandemic. Give it a watch if you are looking for a movie to help you understand how these things spread.

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