Monday, February 17, 2020

Temperature drops to -18

When I awoke about 7:45 the foggy snow was rolling in for a brief white out then just lightly snow for the morning. It was -13 out too so a big change yet again. I enjoyed my 2 caps while doing marketing & blog work before heading out to give Bird and Bandit hay sheltered behind the shop at 10.

I tidied the house and made the last fresh bran muffins, yum. The pink tray tutorial went live. The 2 cancer charity pieces were picked up at 11:30. The snow let up and sun popped out briefly when they were here.

Britt was out before 1 ready to roll. We headed out and caught horses, gave pills and loaded the ones going ; KD, Bird and Roo along with Lola and Cooper to see Murray. We arrived early for our 2 pm appointment to find 3 trailers ahead of us. It was going to be a bit of a wait but eventually the trailer ahead of us let us go before them as they were visiting with Lynn; Murray's wife. Cooper was only along for the ride but the rest were adjusted and we were on our way at 3:15. It was -14 there which made for a chilly appointment but it was at least sunny.

check out his barn décor.. can you spy many items you have not seen for awhile?

It is like eye spy for hours here

Back at the ranch these 3 were taken inside where Bird ate her high fat food while we trimmed KD, Roo then her before releasing them in paddocks. B tossed hay to B&B then loaded Cooper and they were off for home at 4:30. Busy horse day.

I came in for a refreshing beer while I cooked up burger to go with my leftover roasted veggies. The snow started up lightly again.  I was eating and playing a round of Cookie Jam when Jacob arrived before 5:30 for a beer and a visit. He loaded the palm tree up and was off to pick up Shaina from the gym training a lady after 6. The bread box gal seems to be a no show for today.

Before jumping into a hot tub to soak the day away I ran out and tossed an entire square bale all over the barn paddock for B&B as the temperature is supposed to drop to -20. After my soak I watched a few blown away then read for a bit. I was super tired at 10 shut off lights only to wake 20 minutes later. S arrived home at 11 and was soon asleep. I was eating an orange at midnight watching B&B still eating away at their hay. Temps did drop to -18 when I checked them again at 2 am.

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