Tuesday, February 18, 2020

All horses trimmed

It was -18 when I awoke for the day (after many times during the night) after 8. It was overcast and dreary. I had a cappuccino while I checked messaged then made another taking one to the sleeping prince after 9 to roust him awake. Around 10 I went out and gave horses pills, fed B&B some high fat and the others each a pile of oats while S started the skid steer to warm. He shoved the snow covered sidewalks before rolling half a bale in each pen.

He then caught up on internet news while I did some accounting before our lunch. Snow started up lightly after one for a bit as prince dozed off for his Tuesday nap in big brown. I did an extreme clean of my office and he slept right thru the vacuuming portion like a trooper. This lead to vacuuming the main floor which led to sanding the spackle I had filled dings many days ago and touch up paint them and other areas one the walls. Of course they had to be washed then painted but after 8 years there have been quite a few areas needing a touch up.

The horses were happy to have a hay bed, Switch found a wee bit of hay dropped outside the one gate and laid near her buddy Bird. The rest are back at their bale laying down with KD as guard

I finished up just before 5 as Britt was now able to come out and we can trim the last two horses; Switch and Daisy. we had them both finished and put back out in 45 minutes. Perhaps because we are a smooth team but also these girls stand well too.

I quickly changed clothes for boot camp as B talked taxes with the king of big brown. She was off at 6 as the bread box lady arrived to pick up. I totally read the wrong day she planned to pick up, my bad.

S and I ate lasagna and before heading to boot camp I had time to catch up the blog while S caught up on hockey. I was off to town after 7, brrr it is -20 now! I had a private boot camp with trainer Shaina and it was a good work out for sure. Before 8:30 she was off for the city and I grabbed us a hot chai and the mail on my way home. S was in big brown with the massager and hockey. A protein smoothie followed the tea for us both.

coach demonstrating the straddle squat

I did some vacation tour package searching before I finished the Blown Away season and called it a night.

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