Sunday, July 7, 2019

Weeded the island

It was the usual start to the day with coffee in bed but I was out working on blogs and tutorials with my first cup.

There was fresh rain on the gate last night when we got home, S checked and the gauge said 3 1/2/10 ths. He hooked up the dump trailer and removed the water totes to pick up wood chips this week while I pruned the dead lilacs off the hedge. I also cut my first peonies of the year. They may be small but they at least grew ;)

compared to Manda's LOL

magazine rack got some more pics

More staging was needed to get sales and use the peonies

Lunch and a nap for the prince as I wiped up a new project to paint; a vintage silverware chest. I painted it and the basket the new grey paint color I recently got. A second coat went on the chest once dry.

We had just started weeding the island when Britt and Cooper arrived around 3:30 and the clouds rolled in. She brushed Bird and delivered a few trays of dandelions to the horses before hitting the deck to relax after getting called into work today for a few hours. We finished up the island and joined her on the deck for a cold beer or two. The sun was now back out and beautiful.

I prepped supper while we caught the rodeo on TV. S joined us after taking a few loops around the pasture looking for gophers I had spotted earlier.

I was sanding the silverware chest in the garage as B and Cooper headed home at 9. S watched the rodeo and chucks again. The skies were threatening all night with occasional thunder booms, finally rain began at 10:30 and came down for the next two hours I was awake.

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