Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Deck mandala stenciled

I was awake at 8 today to a hazy smoke look horizon. I surfed the net waiting for the coffee to go off after 8:30 as usual then got a cup taking one for the sleepy prince as well. He relaxed in bed enjoying a couple cups while I did some accounting. Mid morning we both headed out to get more yard work under way. I shoveled the last of the mulch into the wheel barrow and took it to the back flower beds touching up a few areas after weeding. S weed whipped under the trees prepping to mow.

I whipped us up a little lunch then he was off to mow while I got some new projects under way. I put the legs on the recent dining table I acquired but could not carry it out myself to sand so moved on to a project I have put on the back burner for over a year; the deck mandala!

 Of course half way thru the wind picked up like crazy!! But I got it done ;)

Time to stage the silverware chest and get it posted on Etsy.

The green jewelry box sold today to the gal who bought the last dining table.

After finishing mowing S hooked up the rake and tractor and flipped the swaths he had cut last shift off. I picked more garden goodies and made a burger goulash with the herbs and our new burger.

After supper S ran to close up shop then back to big brown for the rodeo after a quick shower. I ran to give supplements before writing tutorials and getting the deck stencil post shared on a few pages/media sources. It went like wild fire hitting over 5000 views in 2 hours.

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