Wednesday, July 31, 2019

City trip

I was awake at 7, S alarm went off at 7:30 for his 8 am dental cleaning appointment. He got up, loaded trash and was off. I got up made a cappuccino and got to writing the wine box tutorial. He had started a sprinkler when he left that I moved to next spot to keep his watering mission going.

He was back around 10:30 with 2 blue bottles for the tree too. I cooked us up a brunch before we loaded up at noon and off to the city. First stop was High Hog to pick up the posts needed to make the running with the bulls panels work. Picking up oil change kit for the ranger was next then we were off to peruse Rona and then Home Depot for wood for a staging wall. I did run in and grab an iced coffee for us at  a Tim's to keep us going.

Home depot gave us many more options and in the end we went with 8" wide pine boards. After carefully going thru the pile and limpy Sheldon finding a wood cart we got thru the till only to be charged the $3+ more per board price. This had me going back to the wood guys, getting a not to price change then getting customer service to correct the bill. It did save me $55!! but it did make us late for The Lion King movie at 3:55 we were aiming for. Poor S has been wanting to see it since he saw the preview. The rush hour traffic did not even help us make it after the credits may have been running so it was off to Costco.

no sudden stops now

Here we managed to find a cartful as usual. Back at the truck we sorted and loaded in the cooler and backseat then off to have a pre birthday supper. Prince choose a steak at cattle Barons... and not just a little steak but the ole 20 oz cowboy steak!! And he finished it without a hitch!

I had a 6 oz steak neptune

We then headed for home with a full belly. Luckily we had all our purchases inside as we hit rain on the way home with some funny clouds and lots of rainbows. We made a detour to drop off rodeo passes a guys and had a brief visit arriving at the ranch at 7:30.

See the pot of gold is right under the house??

Time to unload our days scores and Tyler stopped to pick up passes for his crew helping us at running with the bulls. We sat for awhile on the deck after I gave supplements but the wind was brisk, if only it would have rained here.

I had finished season 2 of The Good Fight the other night and need a new show. I started Covert Affairs but not sure how I feel about it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

last 4 horses trimmed

The usual early coffee and internet perusing with me moving to marketing and S getting water going. I put the kitchen collection tutorial live.

Kaylin sourced this cutie on her BC vacation, thanks lovey!!

Jacob caught the last of the coffee at 11 so I made a new pot for Shaina who was up awhile after eventually heading to town to her 11:30 training sessions. I went out and caught Daisy to trim her while Jacob took his motorbike for a ride and Sheldon went for another load of water.

Jacob coming back from his venture on his motorized white steed

Britt and Cooper arrived before noon as Jacob set off. She caught Bird and we trimmed her next. She also gave supplements before we changed. S had a bite to eat then he jumped in the swather to drive it to town. We picked him up at 2 leaving Jacob to run his drone for some farm footage. S dropped us at the bank and ran a few errands picking us back up within the hour. Britt now is informed to her buying strength if she finds a home she likes. S had us stop at the ag grounds and look at new panels for this w/e's running with the bulls and be dammed if they won't work.

Driving thru McDonald's we got an iced coffee and set off for the ranch where Jacob and Shaina were just setting out for their afternoon ride after 3 in the 29 degree heat of the day. S got back to watering and refilling totes while I went out and trimmed KD when they got back followed by Roo. A crazy wind storm rolled in about 4.

Jacob returning on his grass engine steed

my rasper in training

Supper was lasagna brought by Grama Pat awhile back, THANK YOU! It sure fit in well on such a hot busy day. Before Shaina and Jacob set off for town for 6 pm boot camp we loaded the new plant I potted up carefully in the back seat.

B had a nap but once she woke we prepped for a ride. I had a couple stop for a pile of boxes I had compiled. B had caught Switch for me but Pepper was in far field so S drove me out, gave me a boost and I rode him back for S to get tacked up to join us. It was a lovely night for a ride as the breeze kept the bugs at bay.

Once back and the horses were put away, B loaded up Cooper and they set off for home after 8:30

Monday, July 29, 2019

2 horses trimmed

Awake and ready for coffee after 7, looks like another lovely day in store. Once up and at it the day was just that. S picked some weeds at the well head before scrubbing his skid steer. I weeded and watered then pruned and potted his pussy willow stems that have been rooting.

poor evergreen with its burns from the large campfire ;(

my first dahlia bloom!!

He loaded a tote and went to Matt's for water stopping to water the west caragana patch on his way back. I pruned plants and used up all my fertilizer and we met back inside for lunch and the news after 12. Nap time for prince and I worked on catching up on blog posts before heading out in the now high 20's to weed a bit more. S came out after his nap and took the remainder of the water tote to the east end of the caraganas while I caught Switch and Pepper and spent the next couple hours in the sweltering heat trimming feet.

He ran back for another tote of water then back in time to meet the radon mitigation company rep. They were finishing up as I came in after letting the horses back out after 4. Once the guy was off S loaded the tote in one of the big water tanks and ran back for another.

I staged a few more photos and wrote and Etsy sale post for the white curio cabinet

For supper I made chicken wings and this super delicious zucchini dish. He was back by 6 to catch the news and wait for supper to be ready. Jacob arrived just as we were ready to eat but he worked on his motorcycle waiting to eat with Shaina.

After supper, S ran for another tote of water at Matt's while I continued my weeding dead heading progress. I gave the horses supplements to and after walking to far side of winter pasture I caught a ride back on the front of the skid steer as S made his way home. Jacob passed us heading in to get Shaina, they returned a while later with Chinese food and picked up the dining table that eluded us yesterday., THANKS!!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Yardwork kinda day

It seems Britt fell asleep on the couch watching Netflix, I heard Cooper fall off after 4 and not long after he came to whine he wanted up on our bed. He slept till 6 then whined to go out with Lola who has spent her 3rd full night outside like a big dog. I managed to get back to sleep till 8. S got the coffee going early and he perused the internet while I worked on marketing. My whole morning was spent working on new tutorials and sorting photos. I did post the grey tray tutorial.

S headed out after 11 to get the bales moved eventually getting to the task at noon. We ordered barbecue parts last night with our Amazon prime and they were delivered to the house at noon today!! B got up at noon and after a bit of Cooper time went out and let the horses out in the winter pasture.

one of my new bee balm plants

S popped in to join us for lunch, popped in the new barbeque guards then was off to stack his bales and I out to plant 4 new plants I bought and 1 from B for Mothers day. B was not feeling well so loaded up Cooper and headed for home around 1. After I got them all planted and watered in I started dark waxing the rocking horse.

Amanda had found a farmhouse dining table and I was to stop and pick up at 4. Sheldon stopped and drove us to town to help load. However once at her place there was no one there. We waited 15 minutes, went and bought some beer and checked back at 4:30 still no luck so we headed home. It seems we passed the gal as we were turning off their street but did not know until I checked messages when we got home.

S got back to moving bales while I prepped for supper. I picked some spinach, sad to see it coming to an end with this heat. Supper was started on the barbie at 6:30 but we did not eat until after 8 with the corn taking quite awhile to cook :)

S put the sprinkler on the "orchard", dumped hay he scooped from a pile in the field in the horse pen after locking them in while I finished dark waxing the rocking horse then it was time to relax with some Good Fight episodes and S internet perusing.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Small squares secured in the shopminutes before the storm!!

Our plan today was to go pick the small square bales before it got hot. Of course today we both managed to fall back asleep after waking around 7 till almost 9:30. Even the coffee grinder at 8:30 was not enough to roust us. However after a couple coffees and a hutteritte bun with my homemade rhubarb strawberry jam to get us going we set off to pick the bales.

It was 18 degrees outside when we woke and about 20 when we set out at 11 am and 28 by the time we picked 85 bales an hour later. WHEW, time for a cold beer or two on the deck.

Britt and Cooper arrived as we were doing so. I made us lunch before we set out again for the last part of the field. This time we took the ranger and the quad trailer after S cleaned it off and B and I unloaded the bales off the ranger in the shop. B drove while we picked and stacked and in about half an hour we had the last 52 picked up and heading home.

B let the horses out to frolic and eat in the winter pasture while S and I rearranged the shop to pull in the truck & dump trailer then the ranger and trailer. We had just gotten them in and about to close the shop and barn doors when the craziest wind storm hit and it blew like crazy.

When it eased a bit, S and I headed for the house where B was perusing the internet. She is interested in purchasing a home and we had 2 viewings at 3:30. A bit of rain blew in with the storm but only enough to make a mess of the windows. On the way to and thru town we saw lots of snapped trees and wind damage and in town for sure had more rain.

The viewings were eye opening and have gotten the urge to own a home going even more but also eliminated the one she hoped to be a cute fixer upper. We stopped at Paetz's for a short visit then off to do a few errands with B buying us an iced coffee then back to the ranch for supper by 6.

B took a break from her Netflix marathon and house hunting to give supplements and put horses back in their respective paddocks around 9 seeing they are all so chubby even with what looks like hardly any grass. I worked on blog posts getting a few days behind again with a cappuccino I made us. S perused the net searching up barbecue parts and submitting a thermostat rebate. Once he was successful I ordered via Amazon prime.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Small square bales all made

Coffee early today at 7:30 and more baler manual reading waiting for part store to open while I did some marketing. S was off to town for his parts while I went and mover the horses to the round pen to mow. Again Roo escaped along with Daisy so I had to chase them back with the side by side and they spent the hour back in the paddock. In this hour I took the rocking horse outside and sanded it quick.

I moved the horses all to the new east paddock to mow and was just back inside when S got back. He set off to trouble shoot with his iPad and a video and was successful. Ten bales popped out in no time.

I organized my new furniture purchases, cut drawer liner for the bread box and painted BREAD on it.

I whipped up yummy smoothies for lunch, delivered the prince his to take along as he baled the winter pasture.

Meanwhile I saw a post for a free large dumbcane plant. Thinking Shaina would want it I juggled texts between both and soon had the lady dropping it off as I was moving horses back to their paddocks after their 2 hour mowing job after 12:30. I potted it up, staked the poor wilting thing and watered it in good with fingers crossed.

Now to wax the rocking horse, wax was easy to move at 28 out ;) Then outside in the sunshine to scoop poop from the mowing pens and water my parched pots and garden. S finished the winter paddock small squares getting 146 completed at 3 and we enjoyed a cold beer on the deck.

After digging and finding only 3 new potatoes in my garden we loaded up and headed to town to grab some veggies at the farmers market after 4. It was a quick stop then off to fuel up and grab a door from our renter that had a dog door built in. We hoped it would fit either the garage or shop but sadly once we got home it was too narrow ;(

tables were staged quick and the rocking horse clear waxed

Time to cook up a yummy steak and fresh veggies supper. After supper S loaded 3 bales and went to weigh them at the weigh station, they averaged 1525 pounds each. I worked on marketing and blog posts then went out to give the horses their supplements before scrubbing up the 7 blue bottles S picked me up in town the other day (he did also get 12 blue nun bottles but they are lighter blue and would prefer the Dr Zen Zen).

To round off our evening it was time for a campfire. In usual Sheldon style it was huge as he lit up the jumbo pile of wood he had filled before leaving for camp last time. It was so hot and high he had to go get the hose and water the evergreens around the fire pit. I came in for a shower and some Netflix at 10:30 and he about an hour later having roasted a hot dog to end his campfire evening.