Sunday, July 28, 2019

Yardwork kinda day

It seems Britt fell asleep on the couch watching Netflix, I heard Cooper fall off after 4 and not long after he came to whine he wanted up on our bed. He slept till 6 then whined to go out with Lola who has spent her 3rd full night outside like a big dog. I managed to get back to sleep till 8. S got the coffee going early and he perused the internet while I worked on marketing. My whole morning was spent working on new tutorials and sorting photos. I did post the grey tray tutorial.

S headed out after 11 to get the bales moved eventually getting to the task at noon. We ordered barbecue parts last night with our Amazon prime and they were delivered to the house at noon today!! B got up at noon and after a bit of Cooper time went out and let the horses out in the winter pasture.

one of my new bee balm plants

S popped in to join us for lunch, popped in the new barbeque guards then was off to stack his bales and I out to plant 4 new plants I bought and 1 from B for Mothers day. B was not feeling well so loaded up Cooper and headed for home around 1. After I got them all planted and watered in I started dark waxing the rocking horse.

Amanda had found a farmhouse dining table and I was to stop and pick up at 4. Sheldon stopped and drove us to town to help load. However once at her place there was no one there. We waited 15 minutes, went and bought some beer and checked back at 4:30 still no luck so we headed home. It seems we passed the gal as we were turning off their street but did not know until I checked messages when we got home.

S got back to moving bales while I prepped for supper. I picked some spinach, sad to see it coming to an end with this heat. Supper was started on the barbie at 6:30 but we did not eat until after 8 with the corn taking quite awhile to cook :)

S put the sprinkler on the "orchard", dumped hay he scooped from a pile in the field in the horse pen after locking them in while I finished dark waxing the rocking horse then it was time to relax with some Good Fight episodes and S internet perusing.

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