Wednesday, June 26, 2019

New hired man at the ranch

Wakeup call today was compliments of spammers at 7:30 am... grrrr! But on plus side I was getting my marketing done early. The lady who ordered 2 tiles off Etsy last night wants 2 silver ones and after back and forth conversations I will be doing 2 custom ones for her.

Eventually S woke, made coffee and crawled back into the comfy bed to peruse the internet. Once mobile he went out to transfer water to a tote and go water the caragana's along the south. I weeded, deadheaded and transplanted flowers after moving pots around. The day is AMAZING; sunshine and not a breath of wind!! When I gave Bird her gastro I took hers and Switch's blankets off to enjoy the day and opened the far paddock and also let Roo and KD join the herd. I washed Lola's bedding that stunk of dead she had been getting into and hung out to dry in the sun when done.

S took this from his tree watering perspective

Another dead poplar, going to try and prune back the base to one and see what happens

After lunch and a short rest, S mowed in their paddock while I scooped poop. Around 2:30 we set off for town stopping at waste station to drop trash, paint cans and cardboard then to the bottle depot. Amanda had to run to the city for passports and asked if we could get Asher. I surprised him at school and off we went to Dairy Queen for a treat. Sheldon and I chose the summer berry cheesecake blizzard (only 920 calories!) to share and Ash went with the oreo and brownie cupfection (720 cals). YUMMY!!

Our next stop was the recycling yard then to fill jerry cans with fuel. We were back home by 4. S filled the lawnmower and set off to finish mowing weeds in paddocks. Ash and I walked to the far paddock to give supplements then we hooked up the quad to the wagon and did some rock/poop scooping. What a good little worker he is! He loved moving the quad ahead and driving with my supervision. We filled and dumped one full wagon in short order and were working on the second one when Amanda and the other kids pulled in at 5:30. They wanted a few quad rides and quick visit (watched S spray sparks as he sharpened the mower blades) before they set off for home.

 Are these edible?

I prepped Hutterite veggies (thanks Mom) for supper along with the marinated steak while S whipped around with the weed eater quick. Time to enjoy a yummy supper and couple of brews after a great day. Big brown called Sheldon while I wrote a blog post for the teal painted pot and got it published.

A hot soak in the tub before starting the latest Netflix movie; Murder Mystery. Shaina arrived around 10  just as we started, she ate and was off to her room to work on programs.

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