Tuesday, June 25, 2019

last Tuesday of June

Up at the crack of magpies... grrrr what terribly noisy pesty birds. They seem to think 6:30 is a great time to get in the dog pool and garden. They even woke the prince so he could make coffee. ;)

Once motivated S took the skid steer to the pit to rebury Hawk, it seems a naughty dog and or coyotes are digging in the pit. He also took the poop bucket down to start a real compost pile. I finished up the pepper grinder and got it and the spice rack staged up.

He then mowed the back lawn while I picked some weeds and herbs then started the huge frame project. He stopped for lunch as Britt and Cooper arrived after 12.  By 1:30 she had him loaded up and off to meet a lady (turns out she was from Acadia Valley) to sell jeans and take Cooper to his chiro appointment and talk about his xray results and surgery plans.

AS per usual I had to wait for Microsoft for 45 minutes to get the technician in regards to yesterday's issue then took over half hour for them to try another repair.

dill washed and drying

I finished the frame while S went and finished mowing the laneway and east grass areas and moved his water on trees. He was then in for his Tuesday nap soon after B got back.
I thought it was done with dark wax but the gold was too bright so I white washed it.. pic to follow

She and I went out and caught Pepper to trim. It was beautiful warm sunny day but dark clouds loomed in the west. As we were finishing his last foot the temperature dropped and winds picked up sending us inside to finish. She then caught Roo and we did her fronts but as we did so the storm arrived. Of course it sounds worse in the tin building. S had woke and brought his new truck parts to the shop then loaded up recyclables in his truck before heading back in before the storm hit to catch the news.

my hand me down chaps and my apprentice below, look at the storm clouds

I made us a yummy salad and shrimp supper then B had a nap ;) She was off to ride after her nap while I cleaned and S relaxed. Pretty busy Tuesday for this fellow. B was off for home after 8:30 as I posted the blue pieces on Etsy.

I need a sofa table now, this looks great in my room

The wildlife sanctuary continues as I looked out to see 2 bucks in the winter pasture coming right up to the gate. They only booked it when the horses finally got brave enough as a herd to come towards them.

 scardy cat ;)

I made protein smoothies for a bedtime treat. As I was closing up marketing a message came for a sale of 2 faux tin tiles but only in silver?? hmmm there is only 1 shades of grey one, now what?

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