Saturday, June 1, 2019

A/C goes on ~ June 1st

I woke just before 6 am, why I have no idea but after an hour of thoughts I managed to go back to sleep till 8 then got up and let Lola out. The smoke has cleared allot! Enjoying a cappuccino I answered emails and did a bit of marketing, threw in laundry before heading out to work on the chair. It had another coat of paint and oil and a glue repair on the base.

While it dried I went out and gave the black girls their morning probiotic mash and mixed up KD's and a feed bucket for Pepper and back to the house to get the supplements. Before taking them out I made my lunch smoothie; very green today.

It is a scorcher out there today; after feeding the "gingers" I set up the water system on the lilacs S had left in place. The chair was distressed but will sit overnight before waxing. This heat had me turning the A/C on for the first time this year. Time to hand water the flower beds, pots and garden.

I had a customer drop off her bedroom suite to have refinished at 3:30. We unloaded, picked a color and talked finish before she was on her way after 4.

nightstands X 2

Britt and Cooper were here about 4:30 bringing Vietnamese for supper, THANKS B!! She and I ate then headed out to work in the horse paddocks. Even at 29, the sun was clouded over for most of it so made it ok. She picked poop and rocks while I mowed the weeds/long grass. I stopped and helped her on trailer load # 2 then I was off to the other 2 paddocks leaving her here. She did however head to the A/C house for most of her last shift.

It was not 6:30 so we changed and caught horses to ride for an hour, once back I trimmed Bird with her rasping the edges which really helps. I headed back to the house for a shower while she swept up. I folded laundry while she bathed poopy Cooper, read her new book and finished her vermicelli ;)

I was offered a free table today but it needed to be picked up today; seeing S had the truck and was coming home from the Valley tonight he swung thru town and picked it up for me, thanks! He arrived at the ranch just before midnight.

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