Friday, May 31, 2019

SO smoky, air quality 10+ to the bad

Usual coffee start but earlier around 8. The wind has let up and the thick smoke remains; no shift to blow it back north. Once up and at it I got to work on my chair drilling out the wedge, removing the back and spindles then hauled it out to sand all smooth. S got water going on trees and sprayed roundup around the gravel. I tried a different technique for the equine probiotic putting it in food. I tested it on KD which went well and supplemented Bird and Pepper (who was not pleased he did not get a tub of food).

For lunch I whipped us up a healthy smoothie. Skipping his nap today he took the sprayer down to the pit and sprayed dandelions while I painted the chair base and spindles, tung oiled the seat and back then scrubbed all the bathrooms up and down.

Prince had come back for the skid steer to move the hay we took off the pasture level in the pit bottom then cleaned out the “erupted” water tank of its algae requiring my help to haul up the full 5 gallon buckets. He took them to the pit to dump and I took Bird and Switch their tubs of probiotic laced food.

she likes this much better then via syringe

He headed over to Matt’s for a load of water at 5:30 as I got supper prepped and once back it was time to start the barbecue, shower quick and cook the steak. Yes this is the steak I have been drooling over since Wednesday. I staged the valet and the customer messaged she wanted the white bread box as well, yeah!

Sadly the steak was not as amazing as we hoped but it was still good. S hustled to pack a bag and load up and off to Medicine Hat. He will stay at Ma and Pa's then head to the Valley tomorrow to check on bison and take in Dale Peers's memorial. I got to work on accounting I totally forgot and spent an hour on hold with the bank but got a mystery charge sorted. I worked on blog posts and computer calibration and non fun technical stuff. A shower at 10 and crawled into bed with some YouTube.

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