Sunday, May 19, 2019

Trees planted

The usual start to the day here on long w/e Sunday. But this time the day was sun shining bright, the green grass is looking lovely. After our fruit breakfast I had S help me carry in the table top so I could stage it up.

I took pictures of the tiles and got them put on Etsy as they are my most viewed items.

At 11 we decided to go look at the caragana trees as I had a list of folks wanting them. I did look around and suggest maybe along the south side of the paddocks so before giving away we took a scout. Deciding they may as well continue there growth here after 8+ years.

always well guarded

S dug them and holes and I trimmed them up before we planted 10 in one area and 8 in another. The sun came and went and the wind blew but by the end of the 4 hours it was a beauty day. On the way back I dumped rocks and cut branches on the outside row.

Time for a bowl of Chili and a cold beer! Britt and Cooper arrived as we were heading back out to load up water totes in the dump trailer for S to go get water for the new trees. I was heading out to scoop poop and rocks; perfect timing B. She begrudgingly helped and in short order we had 2 full carts full. And I had over 11,000 steps already in.

B's bruise after a few days, holy cow!

Time to ride! It was now 6, S was back and watering the trees when we headed out locking the dogs up this time. S watered yard trees too while enjoying a refreshing beer. Our ride was good, we can get down all the tree lanes which is lovely.

We were back in an hour, fed them and put them back out. S finished up the watering and I started supper. B freshened up and was off to town to meet Brooke and Amber for supper at OJ’s. S was watching the Raptors double over time game while I cooked up our stroganoff and chowed it down as they won.

Time to shower, change the sheets, catch up on emails (I have an interested party in the dining table I just listed at 7:30) and watch the gorgeous sunset. B was back home as it set. Now for the series finale of Game of Thrones!! We both liked the ending, now what to watch?

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