Saturday, May 4, 2019

snowy day

We awoke to a misty fog rolling in which soon turned to light snow. This went on and off all day. Coffee was enjoyed in bed then I was up and marketing while S relaxed for an hour or so longer savoring the relaxing day.

I got to work on putting another coat of dark stain on the 2 wood projects after sanding lightly. The blue chair had a few touchups done too before pickup was set for Tuesday. Moving onto the sideboard, it got its first coat of navy.

Morning chore for S was to sharpen my 2 hoof knives. He got Youtube tips to help him. I had a young friend of the girls order a tub tray for his mom. S ran to town after 11 for oil for changes this afternoon and grabbed me another board as a few groceries too.

He was back after 1 and happened to have some lovely flowers; for mothers day and my birthday LOL.

After lunch he had his usual rest and I went back out to put second coat on sideboard. After his rest, he was off to change oil in the truck, merc and skid steer. While the 2nd coat dried, I sanded the new board and applied the stain to both sides then finished the hand sanding on the dresser edges.

I finally made the decision to try the pink fusion paint but as a stain. First I mixed is 50/50 with a white then added water. I did the drawer front and hand painted the gold design area. I am not sure I am loving it though. Timer to walk away from it.

Lola brought this treasure home, not sure what kind of egg it was but it was frozen so must have been abandoned after S seeded the field.

I also put hemp oil on my sanded cutting board and later a coat of salad bowl finish

Inside I did marketing and started a fire waiting for the oil changer. He came in late after 8 for our late leftover supper. He watched the hockey from big brown in front of the fire as the snow continued.

S took this photo from big brown

I went back out and put a coat of white stain oil over the pink front and left to dry overnight. Then I called it a night at 9:30 and watched YouTube videos shutting the light out after an hour, crazy for me I know.

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