Tuesday, May 21, 2019

drizzly rain day

Awoke to the sound of dripping rain ;) I made a cappuccino for Shaina and I after letting Lola out and delivered it to her before 9 as she was getting ready to head out to her morning classes.

The tables were my morning chore. The stripper did not take this finish off as easy as some, it required lots of scraping. Eventually most of it was all off. Next I sanded the one top down.

Noon and time for a bowl of soup. Today is the first day of 1200 calories, S is on 1600 as prescribed by our fitness & nutrition coach.

Shaina was back after 1, ate some soup then the first workout began. She kindly did demonstrations if I did the excersise wrong(which was allot of them) Once I did my actual workout I worked on marketing for a bit while S had a nap. She was up at 3:30 to pack up some more soup to take along, loaded up the recyclables and she was off by 4.

It started to drizzle at 5 as I went out to dose the horses and move the hose again. Back in the garage I sanded the other table top then in for supper. Supper filled the calories count, darn it, it is going to be a long night. Back to the garage to stain the tops in driftwood. A hot soak was next order. Of business while YouTubing high protein snacks to put on my grocery list.

4 episodes of Grey’s anatomy wrapped up this season a the rain dripped. Matt’s gauge says we had 1/2 of 1/10th in last 24 hours.

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