Saturday, March 23, 2019

Riding, trimming and hot tubbing

After coffee and perusing the internet it was time to market, keep laundry going, get Rosie working in the spare room while S got dressed and was off to town after 10 for a bank appointment and grab a few things.

I wrote a blog post for the beachy table set and got it uploaded to a few places. He returned before noon with a new blue tooth adapter that will allow me to play my music over the house speakers. It was a Christmas present, thanks S!

We ate a quick lunch followed by a nap for S and me writing another blog post for the white chairs ready to go live soon. I also snapped photos of a spare typeset tray and get it written up for sale on Etsy.

S ventured back out to the shop to install a new battery in the lawnmower. B and Cooper arrived before 3. Shortly after she and I headed out to catch horses. Roo was the first trim and brush then she was released back in the herd. Bird was next for a trim, when B smoothed the toes I brushed and tacked up Switch. Once Bird was done she was tacked up and we headed out to ride. It was a crazy hazy blustery cool 9 degree day and the wind was bothering B so we rode in the arena and back paddock for a bit them called it a day at 6.

Look at the buried water tank, it has pushed itself out of the ground!!

S had gone in for a nap but when we came in her barbqued up some hot dogs while I made a salad and we had a very light supper. B was off to soak in the tub. I had one of the gals coming to paint class message to buy the ornate green frame, yeah!

At 7:30 the fog rolled in thick, S and I packed up our swimsuits and towels and made the foggy trip to town to the Paetz's. We had a great visit with the kids before they were off to bed and we hit their new hot tub. Pretty fancy!! We enjoyed the super soak heading home after midnight. Thanks for having us over. B was still up watching movies having bathed Cooper and him snuggled in bed with her.

Ada showing off her new missing tooth and mitts B gave her with a photo bomber

this girls hair cracks me up

these kids ;)

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