Sunday, March 24, 2019

Fogged in

I heard Cooper go out quick before 7 but we all went back to sleep till the coffee part started up at the usual 8:30. Cooper heard this and he was let out with Lola in the fogged in mist. Time to get my marketing going including my private paint lesson winner. Sharon is the winner which is perfect as she has a piece she wanted to learn on. I updated all the giveaway posts and made a new Facebook cover photo.

Seeing the ornate frame sold last night I had to swap out a frame on Etsy too. Sure is slow on Etsy this last month. Sheldon cooked up a deluxe brunch while B went out to doctor her horses. We held a quick RMPC AGM meeting seeing we had most of the club in one spot. This got everything caught up to send in our club paperwork.

B loaded up Cooper and headed home after 12. I set Rosie to work in her room for a vacuum after I tidied stuff off floor ;(. S project of the day was to clean out a memory stick. I started our last Hello Fresh meal after 3; pan seared steak a jus with warm potato and sugar snap pea salad. It started to snow lightly as we sat down to eat at 4. What a delicious meal, SOOOOOOOO good. Order that one when you see it people.

Eating an early supper left time to relax. S went with sports while I went with a soak in the tub then we watch 2 hours of World of Dance from the comfort of our cozy bed. The snow continued but melted soon after hitting the ground.

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