Thursday, February 28, 2019

Shaina is sick and another near 0 day

I was awake at 6:30 with my brain stewing about the clothes in Mexico.. why brain … sheesh

SO around 8 I just got up after perusing Instagram and biz stuff. I took Shaina a cappuccino at 9 as she was to meet potential clients at 10. Her throat was even worse and after looking at her phone found the morning had all cancelled. She woke with her bliff too so I administered eye drops, ACV/honey syrup, vitamin c's and rolled immune oils on her. She was happy to go back to sleep or at least lay in bed for the morning.

Kaylin sent 2 silver bracelets to have me polish up for her

Once Lola ate and went out, I sprayed the gold table edging a few coats with more later in the day once. The table base was dark waxed and black oil rubbed on the top. Luckily the weather was nice again today, house says -1 but Matt's says -4 but either way it has been a nice break, - 28 nights ahead they say.

Now to do boring house work. Shaina joined me for a bowl of soup at lunch and watched her hour long coaching webcast then was off to soak in the tub with a headache rolling in too. Poor kid, hope she doesnt leave her germs here though ;) I made a delicious smoothie while I did marketing and hers in the tub. She did change the sheets on hers and Britt's bed and added to the laundry in progress.

Roo got moved to stall #1 as it has a window, the perks of having your Mom work at the hospital ;)

Still waiting for a customer to decide paint color on the chair and the table to dry well I decided to start my kitchen stool. I spent an hour sanding it all down but now don't know what I want to do it in.

Shaina was now dressed and wanting some supper. I threw us in a pizza then she was loaded up and off before 6 to do her 2 evening boot camps. I jumped in the tub and started a Netflix show Abducted in Plain Sight. It made me frustrated and half way thru I stopped to answer messages about the recently posted new tin tiles and get a shop post made for them. Another gal messaged for a coffee table quote but I discouraged her as it was a banged up veneer piece. After an hour of marketing I went back and finished the show. HMMMM it sure leaves allot of questions unanswered. Why are there such crazy people in the world?

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hits -2!! (-5 according to Matt's fancy themometer)

Another sunny cold start to the day, another early day too. Cappuccino and fruit prep were my first order of business. looks like I am well stocked but certainly not as flavorful as it can be. The usual marketing and putting some items on sale and refreshing others then a bit of accounting. These are the boring parts of my day for sure but are critical. I also ordered a Roomba to help with the dust and dog hair issue we are plagued with.

oh no, I found this brush I left full of paint before we left on vacation, Can I save it with this brush cleaner? Check my FB page for the video 3 part series 1, 2 & 3

Next I could move on to creative things. The table had two coats of grey applied, the top seems good at 1 coat seeing the laminate was black. The original metal edging was scrubbed and the customer sent a photo as to her choice of color to paint the metal.

The faux tin tiles were supper fun as it was all the dry brushing of colors and metallic waxes added. Once they were complete I brought them in for photos and the add posted on Etsy where they get the MOST traffic of any piece I have posted there.

I kicked the cats out late this am as it was warming up. They were complaining after lunch when I took the fruit peels out to dump in compost when I remembered they could not get into the shop as their hole in had filled with water when the snow melted and has froze full. I went and got them set up plugging in their lamp and getting a boxed in opening on the small barn door. It has hit -2!!! But they say it is all down hill again with crazy cold coming on the w/e.

Rug trial time; everything was vacuumed and moved out of the way. The floor was mopped and once dry the rug laid out. I was unsure it might be too blue (crazy right ;) but as I vacuumed the couch and got it set in place along with the rest of the furniture I was liking it more.


laid out

close up

putting back together, what do you think?

It was now almost 6, time to get the last package of bison burger on for supper. Shaina chose hamburger soup as she will be staying the night after her day at the gym. The egg lady dropped off eggs for the girls and I and had a quick visit. Did you know duck eggs are twice the size of chicken eggs and have more protein and nutrition?? She sells hers to many city folk for a discounted price of $10/doz as city charges up to $18/doz.

The hotel FINALLY replied with the cost to mail my 6 clothing articles; $98 USD for economy or $149 USD for faster!!!! HOLY CRAP.. looks like I will just buy new for that price especially when our exchange rate was coming in as 1.378 on the trip.

I had a bowl of soup at 8 as I could not handle the smell any longer waiting for Shaina. I distressed the table while waiting for Lola who actually did not take long and came to the garage door, yeah. Shaina made it after 9 bringing a sore throat along with her. She ate her soup and had hot lemon and honey and I made her a tub of ACV/honey syrup too. I had another bowl of yummy soup too. We visited and called it a night by 11 although we both did not go to sleep right away as per our insomnia tendencies.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Off to visit Roo

Thanks to another pain in the butt scam call at 6 am I was up before 8 for the day. The sun shone bright again but chilly -23. I enjoyed a cappuccino in bed before getting motivated; quick marketing then out to add ultra grip to the oval table top.

Next order was to create more faux tiles seeing I am sold out. I did all 4 the same grey embossing paste and stencil. Having a bit left over I added it to the table edge too just as an experiment.

After cleaning up I had lunch, loaded up boxes of household and bags of clothes to donate to lady who collects for the Mustard Seed, grabbed my farrier tools, supplements & pool noodle for Roo and was off after 12.

Before dropping off the Mustard Seed donations I grabbed a chai tea for the road. B was at the clinic trying to wear some energy on stall bound Roo. After her eye was medicated we set about trimming her feet over the next hour. Breaks were needed in the round pen to work more pent up energy as well as many stopping to visit us.

Finishing up at 3, I set off for a quick return at Costco. This turned into an hour wander at a leisurely pace as the store was not crowded so why not. I even managed to find a new rug I hope works.

After finishing the last of the prime rib it was time for a soak in the tub then catch up on Grey's Anatomy in my comfy bed. The sunset was amazing again and so exciting to see it light after 6 pm. Spring is getting closer.

Hard to get a good picture due to glass reflection but here is a lovely water color Britt did for me XOXO

Monday, February 25, 2019

Roo improving

Good news from Britt this am on Roo, she loves hers ball or should I say the baler twine that holds it but her eye is improving. Dr Jordan can see her retina now and the yellow clot is getting smaller, the ulcer looks smaller too!! This is fabulous news

After coffee in bed (-27 overnight) it was a slow start for the prince who eventually got his bag packed up. I was on my marketing blast and organizing the vanity drop off at end of next month. We had an early lunch of fresh guacamole I made and S more egg salad sandwich then we bundled up to head outside. He started his car and rolled out a bale for the horses while I filled the salt/mineral tub and retrieved a press back chair from the mezzanine and side table from the storage trailer. It has been a gorgeous sunny day but so cold! It did hit -13 but with a wind.

S was off after 2 stopping quick in town and meeting a fellow at the cell parking at airport for a parcel pick up. I headed to the garage to scrub up the chair and table after removing the gold edging. Once dry I glued in 2 new wood plugs on the chair and await the color choice the customer is deciding on.

Roo is spending allot of time laying down and when Britt gave her a brushing she reacted on her tummy. B suspects she may have an ulcer so after work was off to get her some aloe gel along with apple juice to taste up her water. She resorted to adding molasses to it near day end to get her to drink more but apple juice will be less sugar.

Arranging the painted pieces downstairs and taking new updated photos led me to adding more new items on Etsy. Time to get pieces moving ;)

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Britt & Dave for supper

Sunday started dreary and cold -22 but did eventually warm up to -15 and the sun did come out. S checked the waterer and tossed a bale, it is still working so hope that it is resolved. He did read an article predicting an even colder March. I sure hope not. Hockey started at 10 am making for a great sports Sunday. I stenciled the spice rack top, distressed it once dry and it is complete!

I then worked on the blog, photos take so long to sort and edit before the compilation and writing part.

After lunch S ran to town to fuel the car, grab a few groceries and meet my jewelry box customer. He managed to find a friend at the curling rink to visit over beers with then made a stop to see Craig for a beer too before coming home.

Britt and Dave came for a visit just after 2:30 bringing Lola new dog food; vet kind. After visiting for an hour they jetted off to town to pick up Dave's new sign, an Xmas present from B and a jolly ball for Roo at Lammle's. They were back just after Sheldon got back around 4:30 with groceries and his town tour and I was vacuuming the main floor.

pretty snazzy

The sign was revealed with a visit. Britt went out to check on the horses and get the likit holder from the far shelter to take to Roo as well.

We enjoyed prime rib again for supper and cheesecake dessert. They loaded up their goodies and Coop (who played outside almost 4 full hours) and were off to feed horses/Dave and visit Roo/Britt. S kindly washed dishes while watching his hockey game then off to TV room while I posted more items for sale and worked on posts. I have a past customer booking in a vanity for the end of March but I may have discouraged the lady bringing her whole bedroom suite for mid march as I let her know it might be more then my initial quote. But it is a huge job so will see what happens. We caught the tail end of the Oscars and part of America's Got Talent but shut it off before the midnight winner selection.

Roo loved the lick it B gave her, of course she would ;)

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Waterer back working!!

Coffee before projects, at 10 S bundled up and headed out to check the water freeze up while I wrote a blog post for the turquoise dresser. Good news, the waterer was working!! The hair dryer for 5 hours must have worked its magic, Halleluiah! B called to say Roo was doing good and Dr Jordan said the puncture was 88/100 layers vs 98 as originally thought. She is getting meds in the eye every 2 hours (which is called and billed at critical care) and has responded well to one of the meds that dilates the pupil (side effect is colic ;(  ) Roo has settled more in her stall and enjoys her time out of it with B. Yesterday after we left, there was a trainer at the clinic who worked with Roo and B doing groundwork in their round pen giving her a distraction from the stall too and some things to work on.

 I got to work on a custom project for the lady who bought the round tray. She left a spice rack when she picked up at the girls and Shaina brought out last week. While I painted it to match I watched Dirty John and did laundry during dry times. By the end of the day it was cleaned, painted twice, sanded and black waxed.

After sending her these pictures, the customer wanted to add a stencil to the top which will be good as both other pieces have one too. That will be on tomorrows to do list.

It was -7 last night when I went to bed but -21 when awoke and hovered around that all day. After a couple prompting emails the resort finally responded they have my clothes but will have to wait till Monday to get the shipping quote.

S went our mid afternoon to push more snow as the wind overnight caused more drifting. He continued to monitor the waterer which continued to work!! yay. I put a rib roast on for supper adding more of my wrinkled potatoes (dang the winter storage is not working in the warm garage even in a dark box) and mashed up with coconut oil and butter seeing the milk went bad. It was SOOOOO delicious.

B's evening visit to Roo had her doing ground work in the round pen and some grooming time. This could be a good one on one time each day for them. S was off to watch hockey after supper while I worked on the blogs, marketing and catching up on reading emails. I managed to finish the Dirty John series by lights out.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Roo rushed to Moore's

After coffee it was time to get busy starting with a almost hour phone call to Expedia to see why the hotel transfer was not included. Eventually I was given a $200 credit to be used with in a year on another trip. Well I guess we best not let it go to waste :) After catching up on work emails S headed out to plow the roads however there was some manual snow that needed to be moved before he could get the skid steer out of the shop. He also found the waterer completely dry and NOT WORKING!!

Parcels needed to be packaged up today from my Etsy sales on Saturday. I got them all boxed up and working on the shipping labels. The last one was just being completed when S came in to say I needed to look at Roo's eye he noticed as he was taking off Bird's blanket. I saw immediately it was punctured, draining down her face allot and looked infected.

the puncture was visible on the greenish filled eyeball

I got ahold of B to book a spot at the clinic, changed quick, started the truck and hooked it to the trailer after S quickly moved the snow from in front of it. I tossed in a couple apples and orange drinks then caught Roo and walked her to the far pasture gates seeing there was no way to get gates open. S after plowing us a path met me at the gate and we were off after 12.

The day was very sunny and hit 0, this was nice for us but hard on Roo's injured eye. Britt met us at 1 and soon she was in being treated by the Moore's staff. Dr Erin (who Britt works with when not with Dr Jordan) led the team. She was sedated, had her eye blocked, stained, examined and an eye med tube inserted. The damage looked like a trauma puncture that then ulcerated, fingers crossed the meds and her young age will heal it all up.

blocking her eye

staining her eye

inserting the eye tube

flushing the eye tube

She was totally enjoying the sedation

the eye tube all in and braided back

She was a great patient but once moved to her new hospital stall and she woke up she was not pleased with the quarantine and eye mask. Her wanting to eat the straw even had a muzzle on for a bit which the whole combo looked like a gas mask.

 gas mask girl

Not long and she was fully awake, B took her around to see all the rooms and barn, gave her hay to munch on and then we were off to leave her in their capable hands at 3. On route home we swung thru town to mail the parcels, grab Vietnamese for lupper, pick up a copper waterer float, drop a bag of trash, grab the mail and get home before 4:30.

3 frames and 3 remaining tiles were mailed out

The horses met us back at the house disappointed Roo was not in the trailer. S got to work on the waterer and once found the possible froze area, put the hairdryer to work on low for many hours. He was then off to bucket more snow from around the yard. I had a bite to eat then got back to updating the sold items and trying to refresh more for sale and writing blog posts.

Prince came in before 7, heated his meal and was off to the TV room for the Flames game. He checked the waterer and rolled a bale out then back to the game. He shut off the hair dryer around 10 after the Flames won. After doing my stuff I hit the tub for a soak watching a Mexico Life episode on HGTV where the couple was from Calgary. In bed I started Dirty John watching 2 episodes before calling it a night. This has been quite the day!