Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hits -2!! (-5 according to Matt's fancy themometer)

Another sunny cold start to the day, another early day too. Cappuccino and fruit prep were my first order of business. looks like I am well stocked but certainly not as flavorful as it can be. The usual marketing and putting some items on sale and refreshing others then a bit of accounting. These are the boring parts of my day for sure but are critical. I also ordered a Roomba to help with the dust and dog hair issue we are plagued with.

oh no, I found this brush I left full of paint before we left on vacation, Can I save it with this brush cleaner? Check my FB page for the video 3 part series 1, 2 & 3

Next I could move on to creative things. The table had two coats of grey applied, the top seems good at 1 coat seeing the laminate was black. The original metal edging was scrubbed and the customer sent a photo as to her choice of color to paint the metal.

The faux tin tiles were supper fun as it was all the dry brushing of colors and metallic waxes added. Once they were complete I brought them in for photos and the add posted on Etsy where they get the MOST traffic of any piece I have posted there.

I kicked the cats out late this am as it was warming up. They were complaining after lunch when I took the fruit peels out to dump in compost when I remembered they could not get into the shop as their hole in had filled with water when the snow melted and has froze full. I went and got them set up plugging in their lamp and getting a boxed in opening on the small barn door. It has hit -2!!! But they say it is all down hill again with crazy cold coming on the w/e.

Rug trial time; everything was vacuumed and moved out of the way. The floor was mopped and once dry the rug laid out. I was unsure it might be too blue (crazy right ;) but as I vacuumed the couch and got it set in place along with the rest of the furniture I was liking it more.


laid out

close up

putting back together, what do you think?

It was now almost 6, time to get the last package of bison burger on for supper. Shaina chose hamburger soup as she will be staying the night after her day at the gym. The egg lady dropped off eggs for the girls and I and had a quick visit. Did you know duck eggs are twice the size of chicken eggs and have more protein and nutrition?? She sells hers to many city folk for a discounted price of $10/doz as city charges up to $18/doz.

The hotel FINALLY replied with the cost to mail my 6 clothing articles; $98 USD for economy or $149 USD for faster!!!! HOLY CRAP.. looks like I will just buy new for that price especially when our exchange rate was coming in as 1.378 on the trip.

I had a bowl of soup at 8 as I could not handle the smell any longer waiting for Shaina. I distressed the table while waiting for Lola who actually did not take long and came to the garage door, yeah. Shaina made it after 9 bringing a sore throat along with her. She ate her soup and had hot lemon and honey and I made her a tub of ACV/honey syrup too. I had another bowl of yummy soup too. We visited and called it a night by 11 although we both did not go to sleep right away as per our insomnia tendencies.

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