Sunday, December 2, 2018

Snowy Sunday

Another slow start to the day but this one eventually involved coffee, at 10:30 ;) The snow was still falling lightly and around -2 but a big change from 30 every day for sure. I got back to marketing and trying to arrange the potential sales. The kids table will be picked up from a meeting spot after S's first appointment in the city tomorrow. The Etsy sale of a tin tile needed a choice of which one and once she did I got it all packaged up to go to Florida. I finished writing a blog post for the little white stool and got it published and put on a couple pages.

shipping!! dang auto correct

Time for a bit of housework; vacuuming the main floor and plant watering. The lamp sales lady was a no show and looks like meeting tomorrow wont work either, hmmm. S cooked us BLT's for lunch spending his morning catching up on internet things, watching football and unpacking his suitcase. He did head out after 2 to roll a bale for the horses, shovel the snow covered walks and bring me the Christmas tree. I got it set up for him to take the box back... if I could only leave it like this HAHAHA.

Back inside for a beer and more football, S did grease the front door knob that has been acting up before heading to the TV room to watch his beloved Flames game. I continued my blog and marketing work for the evening. Looks like we missed getting together with Shaina but she says she will facetime once there ;)

Happy birthday Auntie Mindy!

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