Saturday, December 1, 2018

lightly snowing

Wow, what a great sleep finally. I woke at 9 feeling like I never moved then fell back asleep. S was having nasal congestion issues and up at 11 to let out Lola and blow his nose then both back to sleep until I awoke at 11. That felt great. Prince kept sleeping and finally got mobile before noon but NO COFFEE today!! Snow was softly coming down and about -2.

I got busy loading, sorting and editing pictures (from 3 sources) and getting a couple days of the trip blog finished and posted. It is allot of work but sure makes for a nice diary for us to look back on and hopefully give you an insight to our trip and what the big island has to offer.

 playful ponies

After perusing the net for the afternoon, S got dressed and unhooked the truck from the trailer and ran to town after 4. He took along the Etsy parcel to Australia for me to the post office and grabbed a few groceries and back after 5. Sadly it is dark by 5 now ;(  I had put in a chicken to roast for our supper complete with mashed potatoes and gravy. Shaina and Jacob leave for Vietnam on Monday for 3 weeks, we hoped they might come for supper tonight before they leave but maybe tomorrow.

After supper it was time for a nap for the big guy, this vacationing is sure hard on him ;) I got back to the photo editing and sorting and trip blogs. I am happy to say I have the kids table set sold pending pick up and an Etsy sale for a wood tile just came thru and a lady wanting to come tomorrow to pick up both lamps. Fingers crossed they all pan out. When he awoke S was off to the TV room for sports. Time to unpack my suitcase, the condo had laundry so it is nice to have all clean things to put away. And the Baileys and Kahlua survived the flight and my sand even though both bags were searched by TSA.

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