Sunday, October 21, 2018

River Ride and a vet visit - long post, lot of pics

Another glorious sunny day. The stray cat Sheldon saw yesterday caused problems around midnight pestering J and again this am so the plan was to trap him. Of course coffee and some screen time came first once awake. Papa had sent a new trap home that S got set up, the stray had taken over the cats mez and they sat on the deck forlornly. The wily cat ate the food out of it but was placed wrong so we refilled it to try again.

S made a run for town mid morning to borrow a gear puller from a friend and was back to try it and got all the bent pieces off before coming in for lunch and a nap. I spent the morning marketing and after posting the available jewelry boxes had one sold and paid for in no time. She will meet S at airport tomorrow ;)

Afternoon had us unloading the peg board from the trailer and I put the metal shelf back in the storage trailer. I unloaded the bale of hay in their from the last tournament and raked the shavings back out prepping for our ride. Shaina, Lexi and Jacob pulled in around 2 as Sheldon gave me a lift out to the horses to catch 4 and give Hawk his meds. Hawk was rolling and stretching out as it was a beautiful sunny day but something did seem a bit off. He did get up and follow me and the 4 horses as well as the other 2. Once loaded, Shaina and Jacob and I loaded saddles and tack, I grabbed cold drinks and snacks and we were off before 3. Hawk was laying down again which is odd. Roo was very distraught and chased us to the gate requiring Shaina and I to try and hold her back while Jacob guarded the main gates as Sheldon pulled the load out, whew.

At the river we tacked up and set out for the most beautifully peaceful sunny 17 degree ride for the next hour and a half. The river was even low enough we could cross the river and ride the island.

note Shaina's phone in hand, it is common occurrence on this trip

we saw a fly fisher then came upon this campsite on the island, must be his

daredevil attempting her old pony tricks


Back at the trailer the horses got to graze while we enjoyed a refreshing beer. After loading them we took a detour on the drive home to head down to the boat launch on this side of the river.

this is the island we crossed out to and came to the point closest to the this side of the river

Back home around 6 it was unloading and catching Hawk in exchange. The rest headed in to relax and cook up some hot dogs and KD for supper while I monitored Hawk with the help of my on call vet tech B. I gave him some "better" meds, trotted him in the round pen till he pooped a bit then took him to get a bit of water. He seems gaunt, he drank a bit, has sweaty patches and his heart rate was elevated too all not great signs but most likely he is compacted with a mild colic. He will spend the night in the small paddock behind the barn. I walked out and caught Daisy to stay the night with him and referenced her gut sounds and heart rate.

I came in after 7 to a cold drink (The crew was eating and watching hockey game which the Flames won.) and hot dog but keep checking him.  No more laying down and when I went out an hour later his heart rate was down a bit so think he is doing better but will stay  in the pen over night for observation.

S & J had a good hour nap on the couch after supper while S turned to the ball game. I wrote a blog post for the antique textured dresser to go live as w/e posts do better. Up from their nap, S& J were off after 9. S and I started the movie Black Panther but it was not long before S was sleeping and it was shut off. I was going for a piece of Britt's angel food when I checked on Hawk and saw him laying down. I pulled on my coveralls and a head band and went out to check. He had been rolling and was very sweaty in his groin area and seemed quite lethargic. A call to B had me checking his vitals again, all about the same but the sweating and rolling had her suggesting a vet call. I also took his temp which was normal at 36.8. The Strathmore vet after giving the details said they would most likely refer to Moore's so if I wanted to skip their part of the bill to call them. Moores were the next call which then has the details shared and the vet call to get them again. By now it was after 11 and with his over the phone diagnosis he says QH are stoic and things can seem quiet but underlying trouble and if I was calling so late I must be concerned. He suggested bringing him to the clinic.

tubing going in

I hustled inside an changed into clothes grabbed my purse, let Daisy in with Roo and had him loaded up and heading out at 11:40 ish. I managed to get out of the yard without Roo catching up as she had made her way in the night by herself to go stand vigil next to Hawk and Daisy's pen. I arrived about 12:15 and the 2 interns were waiting. They had 6 more colic type cases already thru tonight. They did just what B said; sedated, rectal exam (he pooped when we arrived more dry balls), ultra sound (which was not very effective with his thick coat and black skin) then tubed and given electrolytes. They suggested he stay the night to be monitored (which I knew was most likely) and reexamed and tubed and banamine in the night so once he was tucked in the last available stall I set off home. I had thought I could stay at Britt's but they said he would not be released til late afternoon for a longer monitor. I was back home by 2 am. The herd was waiting at the yard gate for his return and it was a bit of a juggle getting the truck and trailer thru the gate without them following but I managed.

Inside I enjoyed that piece of angel food cake, whipped cream and strawberries while watching a Grey's Anatomy episode before shutting it down at 3. Sleep is needed now ;)

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