Monday, October 22, 2018

Hawk stays another night

It was a very sluggish morning for both of us, me for lack of sleep and I think Prince overslept. He brewed up a coffee to get us going around 9:30. When we looked out there were 3 coyotes in the paddocks and even after taking multiple shots, one kept coming our way but eluded any hits.

S was then off to town to drop off his bent metal pieces at a machine shop for pressing and brought back pumpkin teas, yum, thanks. I worked on marketing and reloading photos as jpg format as the latest update in iPhones has them changed to a new heic format not compatible with some of my programs.

The tom cat was trapped when S went to check so I tried to find a solution to rehome him, Calgary Humane is the only answer as our local is over capacity so S will drop him there on way to airport. Seeing I may be going back to Balzac the jewelry box lady will meet me there and not airport.

S loaded up the cat and headed off to the city before 2:30. The vet wants to keep Hawk for another night to monitor longer. He has spent more time laying down and a mystery as not 100%. They have hoof tested, bloodwork, more tubing and rectal exams and want to try ultrasound again on liver and spleen.

The black skin even when shaved in spots blocked the ultrasound. I suggested the stress of cushings may cause ulcers so they started a drug to see if it helps (like pepto that coats the tummy) He is so quiet and easy going they all say.

Britt was now back at the clinic after their day of call outs and she moved him out to a tented outdoor stall which he was much happier and less sweaty in. B brushed him to try and remove the dirty spots and would love to bath him but not now he is outside.

I changed back to paint clothes and took the ranger to the gate to pick up a paint parcel that just arrived. Today was off and on sunny but windy ;( My parcel contained many new products including the limited pink release for cancer awareness. I think I will do a jewelry box and donate proceeds and it was not long until a friend suggested a local boob tour. I contacted them and they would love a donation so I started to prep one of the recent ones I purchased.

Sharon stopped needing advice on some used teal chairs she bought in the city and how to pretty them up. I sent the lazy susan ordered by her sister in law too. After she was off it was back to laundry and prep. I also mixed up some yellow milk paint for a custom called step stool ordered from the market. I put it together and will paint tomorrow.

I needed an earlier night so came in at 8, finished up more marketing then hit the tub for a soak and some Netflix moving to my comfy bed and turning the lights off before 10.

Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad W! XOXO

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