Saturday, July 21, 2018

Roo gets colic

B was up early for a Saturday, had Coop out and back in his kennel with food and off to baseball before 8. I got up dealing with 3 ladies all interested in the green accent table. How is it that I have loads for sale yet it always is one thing that has the universe's attention? Lucky for me it sold to one of them and a deposit was sent to hold it firm.

Illingworth's messaged they did not get on their flights and have to go to the Canadian embassy in London on Monday to sort out. Looks like my plans for lasagna and banana bread are on hold. I heard a ruckus in the yard and raced out in bare feet across the gravel and grass to break up a dog wrestle. Lola had a time out in the garage and Cooper came inside. Prince was up now to make coffee and get some work "stuff" sorted.

We headed out just before noon to weed eat under the trees, this is a cooperative with me using the pitchfork to lift branches and S to blast me with weeds, rocks and twigs ;) I also had him lift me in the skid steer bucket to clip back the tall evergreen trees.

my birds eye view from the bucket 20 feet up

We were just dumping pea gravel around the waterer when Britt got home from ball just after 2. This will help build sole and toughen their feet to help prevent stone bruises and lameness. It did not take long at all.

Britt caught horses riding Bird and ponying KD while Sheldon did maintenance on "Johnny" and I picked rhubarb. The skies threatened but only dropped 2 drops and blew past. Another task on our list was to pull the dead apple tree, yep we plant them and we pull them ;/

Speaking of apples in all my trees I only have ONE!!! I think the blooms were blown off in the crazy spring winds ;( Speaking of wind, today is blustery like yesterday but only hit 25.

We all headed inside around 4, S needed some big brown chair time and B retreated to her room with her dog. I wrote up a Hometalk and blog post for the metal garden art. B rushed out the door at 4:25 just being texted they play at 4:30.

Once rested up by 5:30, S took a rip around 2 of the paddocks to harrow and was back inside in 20 minutes after snapping the draw bar. Hello big brown chair again, Britt was home soon after just in time to join us for supper then after getting ready headed back to town for a ball party.

I always watch the horses to see whats up and I had noticed odd behavior from Roo. She was laying down out in the far pasture alone, then again not long later back closer to the house. As the herd headed back out to the winter pasture she rolled again then few minutes later was stretched out yet again. I headed out to find her in colic symptoms with a side of choke (labored breathing) I text and called B who came home immediately. I also called in at her request our local vet clinic who wanted her stats when she arrived.

We got her back to the close paddock with the help of Hawk as the lure and kept her walking then to the round pen to trot. There was a bit of poop worked out but she still was still suffering.

The young vet arrived at 10 and soon had her sedated, did a rectal, tubed her with warm water and electrolytes and administered meds confirming the lack of gut sounds and belly distention. She left us with banamine paste and for the next couple hours we continued to walk and monitor as she slowly improved. Dave came out at midnight to help in the vigil. Once she seemed to have passed a bit of gas and getting back to her saucy self they put her out in the barn paddock with Daisy for the night.

As we visited I heard thundering hooves and went out to look with my flashlight. I found the gate was open and the 2 gals had escaped their quarantine pen and were on the lamb. B & D went out with halters to catch them and I jumped on the quad to help. Soon they were back in the pen, I went to bed and watched a bit of a movie till 2 while the other 2 did checks and watched movies too. S of course had gone to bed and slept thru most of this ;)

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