Tuesday, May 8, 2018

lunging and lawn mowing

I was awoken at midnight just after I fell asleep to the crazy cat growling/moaning. I went out side and all the way down to the grass but could only see Mr Jenkins. Back to sleep but at 3:30 it was happening again. A shrieking growling yowling and when I looked out I saw a short haired orange cat not far from Mr J so I hissed and ran out, of course he took off yet again but this did prove it was this other cat causing the ruckus. Back to sleep but up at 7 yet again ;) B let Coop out and back to bed. I tried to fall asleep again but new Britt had to have her car to the tire shop by 9 and had yet to load her tires. I text her to remind and have her grab spurs for my 10:30 lesson.

She got up at 8:30, got the tires loaded and was off to town just before 9. I had my car loaded to go but she wanted Cooper to come along for exposure which meant I needed to transfer stuff, get his blanket in the truck, find a leash and grab his long line and body harness and get him loaded. I picked her up by about 9:15 and we went to visit Amanda, Mom and the kids so B could meet her twin.

B, Cooper and I were off after 10 getting to the lesson a bit late but soon had Switch tacked and in the arena. Jacquie was at todays lesson too. B watched and hopefully got some tips.

We had a quick visit with Jac and were headed back to town. Time to drop off a broke Tupperware dish, grab my stencil parcel, pick up some stools I won in an auction, grab some booze and jet back home as it was now 1:30.

It is a windy 23 day but it is supposed to rain so I headed out to mow. I put my 2 mower/fertilizer guys in the round pen this time while I mowed. B came out to work with Roo then she lunged KD and Bird, gave Roo dewormer and doctored Bird's foot. She also tossed a bale before coming in to get ready for ball and pick up her car.

I showered, remembered I have a cleaning lady coming tomorrow so got busy putting things away before dropping B at her car after 5 then taking potato salad to Amanda. I got to snuggle Aislyn while they ate their church delivered supper (they have enjoyed it for a week now, full supper with salad, bread and dessert each night).

B left me supper, what a sweetie XOXOXO

I was then off to the ranch to continue with my house tidy. It is always good to have this pressure clean as it gets the main floor in ship shape. I took a few things out to the barn now the weather is warm which led to watering a few planters by hand in the amazing bug free and now wind free golden glow. B was home from ball around 10, cooked up some side pork and made a BLT.

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