Sunday, January 14, 2018

snow day

The temperature stayed nice over night only hitting -3 and when we awoke snow was lightly coming down. It stuck around all day long. Overcast and hovering around zero with light snow made for a cozy house coat kind of day. I worked on marketing, updating the blog posts for the last couple weeks while Sheldon did his work catch up via emails and phone calls. He goes back to site tomorrow and sort of procrastinating.

Part of Britt's gift Xmas gift to Shaina was today's terrarium making class, here these cuties are starting the class and here are their finished projects

Britt's above and Shaina's below

and S's hanging in her new macrame hanger in her room

I made us late lunch closer to 2 since I had made us smoothies at noon. Prince did get on clothes after 4 to go see about getting the frozen bison hides out of the truck box. While he was out he tossed a small square to the horses (because they came to see what he was up too and he likes to bribe them with food) and shoveled the walks after all the snow came down today. It did let up around supper so good timing. He hauled in a few loads of wood and started a fire as I cooked us supper.

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