Sunday, October 22, 2017

rearranging equals happy heart

Even though it was a total sleep in option day I was awake at 7 again.. dang. I perused Instagram then finally got coffee rolling and more marketing but it seems the darn internet had issues.. at 8:30 on a Sunday morning?? go figure. I set up a few more Etsy sales posts and Kijiji as well as resetting the new computer I decided not to keep.

Britt and Sheldon joined in later for a coffee and internet surf before Britt jetted off to town before 11 for a couple errands. S rolled out a bale for the 2 groups for the week.

We were going to head to the thoroughbred races but the wind picked up and blew for the rest of the day so scratched that plan. Plan B was awesome though for a stay inside day; rearranging! Sheldon helped me (while watching his football of course) move all the furniture in the TV room, vacuum and rearrange. I love to rearrange rooms!! Next I did Kaylin's room with help from football fan with the bed frame but then it too was all vacuumed dusted and rearranged. Once I finished the rumpus room I was back to my computer with blogging, and posting things for sale.

I loaded more for sale pieces on Etsy. Finally the other computer was reset over 6 hours the second time. Now to get it boxed up to go back.

I cooked up supper to feed the wee crew pulling Britt from her closet purge and Netflix and S from the games briefly then all back to our tasks. After the games ended, Sheldon and I watched The Revenant for almost 3 hours.. have to say that was not a top movie for me even if oscar winner.

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