Saturday, October 21, 2017

Day 2 of the market

I was awake at 7, must be nervous/excited about the big market day ahead. I made coffee and picked some salt shaker options for a gal interested, got ice tea and coffee to go and was off after 9 to the market. It was a beauty day out.

The morning was filled with folks milling thru the market with a lull during lunch then back again. Sheldon stopped out after 2 with a hot chai followed soon by Britt who had ran to the city already to get her costume goodies. They had the pulled pork lunch there and checked out the other booths.

this was posted last night by the venue... look at me busy "selling my wares" 

this lady makes jewelry our of silverware, Sassy Spoons Design

I had the hardest time picking just one of this ladies creations.. she welds flowers!!!
stop by her FB page and give her a like, Bullberry Junction

Britt was then off home to spend time with her horses and take out ribs for supper. She even managed to put them on to simmer later on. Sheldon fit in a rest in the truck for the last hour of the market then swept in to help pack up. In no time we had everything but 7 items that sold packed up and on our way home.

Roo loves her new kitty friend

Now to unpack into the house and down stairs.. who needs a gym! I then worked on updating my pages, spread sheets and reposting some items while the rest relaxed.

Britt was off to a party after we enjoyed our most delicious rib and roasted veggie supper. I worked on more marketing and sales work with Grey's by my side then moved to soak in the tub for a bit then the comfy bed while Sheldon watched sports till late.

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