Sunday, July 9, 2017

horse event w/e continues

Sunday, day what of the heat wave? I cant remember but think at least 6. Time to fill the far water tub for the ponies for sure again. The A grade finals are playing at 11 for polox so we loaded up beverages and snacks I prepared last night and were off by 10. The A/B/D finals ran with some good play. Britt volunteered to goal waive most of the games until she began to melt.

this was a lovely horse (in front)

Our next stop, baby Roo who was in a playful mood even in the heat of the day.

 they came to greet us

Roo may just be a black as B is hoping, check out her coloring as the baby hair is wearing off

she was in a playful mood


The last horse event we took in was the Calgary Polo club tournament final. Britt and I sat with some of the season vets to get the game low down. Lucky we were on a hill as the breeze helped but the sun was relenting. By now it was after 3 so off to the ranch we headed to cool down in the A/C house.

Lucky leftovers for supper then I went out to water my thirsty plants. Britt packed her lunch and made a run to town for fuel and such to prepare for her work week while I walked the dogs and picked more fox tail for you Sheldon.

when you go for a drink but then just go all in

 The girls messaged they made it safely back to Shaina's around 11, can't wait to see you my lovelies. <3

snap chat filters for some fun

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