Saturday, July 8, 2017

another gambler is created

Saturday morning, I checked in at 8 with the polox tournament to see if Britt was needed to ump but they had it covered. This lets her sleep in on what usually is a work day. It felt good to get a wee bit more sleep finally. Once she was up it was what to do on her day off. It was going to be a hot one for sure.

At noon we set out, Britt had control of the wheel and where we went. It was odd not driving and having a plan for sure. Our first stop was Alberta Boots where for the next hour and a half she got to create her own custom designed boot starting from choosing her leather then adding details. The details took the time as well as the custom fitting.

 Our next stop was the Century Downs race track. This is where Britt usually works but of course on the other side of the scene. She was excited to see all the horses names she works on daily so her firt bet she went with one of her favorite patients, Remember Terror. The race being under 2 minutes had her middle of the pack till the homestretch where she pulled away and won with ease. 15-1 odds turned Britt's $2 into $30. This had her stoked and betting on the rest of the races but none had the same luck. The last race she picked the winner but was a favorite so just doubled her $.

she is #4 here mid pack on first round

and here she is coming around to win

We grabbed a burger for the ride home stopping in town to load up on some groceries. The dogs were enjoying the A/C in this 31 degree heat. I put a coat of polyvine on the cedar chest and had Britt help me haul it in where I put on another. I think it is complete. Time to write up a blog post for the dining set. I had touched base with the girls in BC a few times today and they are doing ok, XOXO my beautiful girls!

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