Sunday, July 16, 2017

dresser 95% finished

On the smoke clouded windy Sunday Britt spent it studying, I worked on the antique dresser touching up, distressing, waxing and polishing the hardware. It is such a sweet dresser. Britt helped me haul it inside so I could get started on Tash's dresser.

middle drawer has black wax.. nice and rich looking right?

 photo does not show just how shiny this hardware got with polish (top polished)

This dresser will be a challenge as it is press board under melamine and being Tash's as a child has lots of wear on the top and drawer fronts. I vacuumed it out well, did repairs, sanded top and fronts and wiped everything well. The usual scrub was avoided as it can cause the press board to swell more.

The custom ordered ruler was picked up, thanks for another order to this family!

Sheldon's projects for the day started with me helping him put the 2 broke rails back up then he installed the gates. It was then bale deliveries. He started by dropping the load of small squares after lunch then took 3 loads of the rounds during the afternoon.

He was moving the rest of the bales to the roads edge when a huge wind storm rolled in at 5:30. The wind was followed by rain but not allot. There was hail in the city and town so guess we got lucky.

why my car has cat tracks always ;)

I simmered up the roast I made the other night into a stroganoff for supper and it was incredible! Sheldon had bought a pie yesterday at the car show so we threw it in for dessert. The Paetz family came out just in time to join us for pie and ice cream.

I put another coat of stain/oil on the dresser after they headed home. It is getting close to done ;) I then worked on sorting photos till midnight watching Netflix while S worked on his laptop too.

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