Monday, May 22, 2017

victoria day

Another beauty day in the works. The free items were slated for pick up at 11:30 so S cruised to the gate on the quad to leave it open. I moved 3 horses to the new paddock and the other 3 to the winter pasture. Sheldon was filling the sprayer when the first arrived for wood, he took a break to load the entire pallet on the guys truck too then got to spraying the field.

Britt pulled in at noon as I was filling far water tub and opening gates for horses, Sheldon and I moved a few more things at the shop then came into have a late lunch. He got all showered and ready to head north and catch a nap before going. Britt and I headed out to ride in the glorious 25 sunshine. When we got back an hour later, Grant was here visiting, no nap for Prince. We were hosing the horses when he jetted off to the airport.

B rode Pepper bareback for some lesson work  for a bit as I walked the 2 girls over to the far paddock. Hot and zero wind and they say tomorrow even hotter then finally some rain. Fingers crossed.

Time to get to furniture work, I scrubbed my dining table and the low cabinet and left to dry. Seeing it was still so nice I headed back out; set the water hose to run, more quack grass and weeds pulled led to the push mower coming out which led to running out of gas, then filling then mowing nearly the entire north west side of the house but it looks so lovely. The wind picked up which was ok for mozzies.

Once again covered in dust and grime time to soak and finish the Scandal series forever and crawl into fresh sheets and start a new one called Sense8. Britt was off to town to hang with a friend not getting home till 1. Going to be an early work day tomorrow lady ;)

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